

Happy Saturday, my little darlings...

This lunchtime, we're dining with Agathe, the brilliant creator of Café Pinson 6 Rue du Forez, 75003 Paris... A place I adore, where I regularly go for business meetings... And exclusive news: Agathe and her partner Damien are opening a second Café Pinson in the 10th arrondissement, so I'm delighted it's even closer to home! Hallelujah!

Café Pinson is undoubtedly the healthiest spot in the capital, with fresh, tasty cuisine, using the most "local" products possible, the vast majority of dishes are vegan and of course everything that comes out of the kitchens of adorable Chef Cameil Kaundart is perfectly organic... I'm a fan! 

For the record, less than a year ago, I went to Pinson for the first time to have lunch with Fred and Mai. And we discovered this place, which was only a few days old and already packed! We fell in love, and it took me a long time to remember the name of this little café, calling it "Pignon" on numerous occasions, which earned me a few giggles... A few weeks ago, I was on my way to a professional breakfast, and I recognized Agathe and suggested this collaboration. She gladly accepted, and her generosity and smile made my week! Thank you, Agathe! 




  • Hello Agathe, can you introduce yourself in a few words? 

Well... before creating Le Pinson, like all cats, I had several lives! First, I worked in cosmetics and fashion. Then, when I was thirty, bam, I had a big burn out, which led to a mid-life crisis, with all its deep-seated questions, such as: what meaning should I give to my job, to my life? Soon enough, my ecological conscience came to the surface, with a real desire to contribute. Then I had my two children, and began to take an interest in the link between nutrition and health. And that's when I discovered just how much better your diet can affect your weight, your skin and even your mood... It's scarcely believable (the challenge, of course, is to define 'better'!). I read an impressive number of books, attended conferences, asked tons of questions to organic sales clerks... And I experimented a lot, with varying degrees of success, in my kitchen. Then came the desire to share what I'd learned, the desire to show that you can cook healthily, but still be colorful, joyful and gourmet. And now, a 3rd baby has arrived in my life: the Pinson! 

  •  What was your first culinary madeleine de Proust? 

As I'm an indefectible gourmet, I immediately think of dozens of dishes. But if I were to answer your question precisely, I'd say a smell: my mother's morning café au lait. It was the first smell of the day. And even though I had no attraction to coffee, I loved that smell, because it meant that the house was coming to life, it signaled the start of the day. I'm still very sensitive to it. And to this day, my favorite thing about coffee is the smell! 




  • What triggered you to take care of yourself through your food?

I've had several. First: when I found myself pregnant, and realized that I was no longer "alone", but that there were two of us... I wanted to give us the best! Then, when I found myself starting to feed my daughter. I had no idea what a little human being had to eat to be fit and healthy! It was pretty crazy. Quite primitive. That feeling of having to relearn everything. I actually unlearned, only to relearn! I loved that period. It was intellectually fascinating. At the same time, I discovered that I was intolerant to wheat and dairy products. This was a bit strange for me, as these two products are an integral part of our daily lives, for us French. But it piqued my curiosity, and I was happy to play along. I love a challenge, and it was a bit of fun to go on a treasure hunt in the aisles of organic stores, looking for that rare pearl... THE product that ticked all the boxes, while still being gourmet. As I was often disappointed, I started cooking a little more seriously. And then, it was simply a blast! I discovered and rediscovered great flavors: vegetables, seeds, cereals...

  •  What's your favorite ingredient, the one you use everywhere, with your eyes closed?

Tamari! I use it literally everywhere. In salads, it gives them a great twist. My kids love it... so they often eat salad and raw vegetables! I put it everywhere In rice, in pasta... Except for certain soups or veloutés, where I don't want to alter the color of the vegetables: that would be a shame for a pumpkin or Jerusalem artichoke velouté, for example. Herbs too. Fresh or dehydrated, I use them everywhere, tons of them. Really, with my eyes closed. Chives, thyme. I'm a basil fanatic. It adds a lot of taste and freshness, so it's less messy.




  • What's the dish you make yourself when the going gets tough, your cozy recipe?

When I'm stressed, I tend to go for something sweet... My favorite recipe (it's a real pleasure to say it): a banana mashed with what I call 'poiret' (a kind of molasses made from apples and pears... A pure delicacy). I looked up what it's called in real life (thanks wiki!): in fact, the real term is 'syrup de Liège'. 100% regressive. And I love it.

  •  Your detox tips before and/or after the holidays? 

My plan: fresh fruit in the morning (with dried fruit, cashews, and maple syrup, if I'm really craving it), a real (light) meal at lunchtime, vegetable juice and raw vegetables in the evening. And herbal teas all day long. It's simplistic, but it works. And I'm happy to do it, because all I have to do is pick and choose from my cupboard (I don't have to go to the trouble of mixing 15 ingredients I can't find!). As for vegetable juices, they can be fresh (ideally), or lacto-fermented. This does the trick, and I personally love the fermented taste. But I have to admit that it's not the most consensual choice. So, if you don't have a juice extractor or centrifuge, you can also make yourself a smoothie.




  • Less than a year ago, you opened Café Pinson at 6 rue Forez in the 3rd arrondissement, and in a few days you'll be inaugurating Café Pinson in the 10th arrondissement? In 6 months at this rate, you'll have opened a restaurant in every arrondissement of Paris. What's the best thing we can wish you for 2014?

Oh, thank you! How about a book for Le Pinson? A 3rd address? There's no shortage of ideas, but time... So that's not on the agenda at all! The main thing for me would simply be to continue to see this 'baby' grow!... and above all to continue to enjoy it as much as ever. The same goes for the whole team: they're all great, and I'd like them all to enjoy working on this wonderful little adventure as much as ever!




Juices in the photo: apple, carrot, fennel, lemon, ginger. Crackers: sesame, chia, rice flour, nori seaweed. All the ingredients used here are available in organic stores or at Terroirs d'avenir, 8 rue du Nil, Paris 75002.

December 07, 2013