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Hello my little kitties!

I am back from my trip to Canada and I am feeling so good! I had the chance to go there with the sweet Eleonore Bridge for ten days and honestly, I didn't really know what to expect. Before travelling, I often try not to look at wonderful pictures from where I plan to go, because I do not want to be disappointed if I do not see the same landscapes... Thus, I went there, without any expectation and I was so amazed and surprised because it was beautiful! I really would like to go back there now, to go on the Prince Edward Island but also in the Rockies...I think I am going to write 3 posts on the blog, one about Vancouver, another about Victoria and a last one about Tofino and surrounding area, but also talk about a crazy application for travelling and show you some outfits... I warn you, it is going to be a long post because I have almost 2000 pictures...and I love them all! However, I will try to show you only the best and communicate my enthusiasm for this destination!




Part 1: Vancouver... It is a bit curious to see how we spend our time trying to find similarities in the landscapes we discover with places we have been before. Personally, Vancouver made me really think about the Australian Gold Coast but New York too; obviously because of the super modern architecture but also for the proximity with the sea, mountains and forests, and above all, the cosmopolite side of the city. I really love this big city that does not forget to stay green. By the way, in the three cities we have been, the nature was completely part of the urbanism area, everything was green and full of flowers, and I just love it.




The first hours in Vancouver have been a bit complicated because I am always jetlagged. Who is not? Honestly, I think I can fall asleep in my plate when I am in this situation... The first day was so quick because as I could not sleep in the plane, I can tell you that the time difference of 10 hours had a bad effect on me... and it is still the case today!




During the next two days, we explored the city and I would like to thank all of you for your recommendations about the best things to do and not to miss! I will make you a complete list of the next days! Here are the things we have done: Tours by LocalsYou explore and visit Vancouver with someone who really loves this city! This concept exists all around the world and I think it is a great idea to discover a city this way, as if we visited a friend. Our "guide" was the lovely Jenn who speaks French with a nice Canadian accent!




I have to say that Vancouver inhabitants are very concerned and ecologically sustainable, they do respect the environment. There is no trash in the streets and I should have taken a public garbage bin in picture to show you how it looks. Thanks to Jenn, we discovered Yale Town, a kind of Canadian Meatpacking, with many adorable shops: big crush for the Goorin Bros hat store and a decoration shop called The Cross Decor on Homer Street, it was crazy!




From Yale Town, we took an "Aquabus" (a small bus boat) to go to Granville Island. On this island, you can find a huge shed converted in a huge covered market... In this place, there are different stands with food from all over the world, fresh fruits and vegetables, butchers, fishmongers, stationer's shops. I would love to find blackberries, blueberries and strawberries so easily on every corner of Paris streets at a low price...




Between a rainbow cake and the Harry Potter's brooms factory, I couldn't resist drinking fresh lemonade... Jenn brought us to the Mount Pleasant "hipster" area where we can find amazing little cafés in which we can work, some hairdressers and barbershops. All these things that I love... You can definitely go there, each number is a pleasure for the eye.




During the afternoon, we wanted to visit Vancouver but in another way, so we booked a Foodie Tour. This time, we had the opportunity to discover a new district testing the best food addresses of the city with gourmets. We didn't have to eat a complete meal everywhere but only to try a delicious appetizer here, walk during 5 minutes and then try another treat there. It was a bit fun to hear Vancouver inhabitants talking about their gastronomic treasures, telling us that one place received the price of the best Dim Sum of the city, this ice-cream maker won the ice-cream world cup, or that the best sushi in the world are in Vancouver! I still do not know if it was the best sushi in the word but those I ate at Miku are the best I have ever eaten in my life!

My addresses:

  • The best Dim Sum of the city: Kirin, 1172 Alberni Street.
  • Tasting session of the local cheeses in the Urban Fare restaurant, 1133 Alberni Street.
  • Amazing margarita and some samples of the Shangri-La menu, 1128 West Georgia Street.
  • French snacks at the Thierry Café, 1059 Alberni Street. 
  • And the best ice creams of the world: Bella Gelateria, 1001 West Cordova Street.




The day after, we rented bikes and we have been all around Vancouver. There are cycle lanes everywhere and it is very simple and safe so no stress. Then, still with our bikes, we went to the Stanley Park, located a few minutes from the city, the giant forest; it was sublime and I felt in love with a raccoon. I know raccoons are not that nice, they steal all the time and destroy everything but they are so adorable, aren't they?




Actually, we didn't see one raccoon but four: the mother and her three babies. My brain instantly became a marshmallow and I probably had a smiley face at this time; you know the one with hearts instead of eyes. Thus I decided that I will tame a raccoon; by the way, do we have raccoons there?




Here is an address if you want to rent a bike: Cycle City Tours and Bike Rental, 1344 Burrard Street. I recommend you to loose yourself in Stanley Park during snack time and buy some berries on the way...




We also discovered another district by ourselves, the Kitsilano one with little painted wooden houses and it was so adorable but a bit more residential. At the end of the road you can find a beach: perfect spot to have a drink and watch the sunset. I want more!




We went there many times a day: the first time to have breakfast in the delicious café/bakery "Beaucoup" and the owner Jackie was so adorable, she was a graphic designer before and then she decided to make pastries in Paris. You have to try the passion fruit tartlets, a real pleasure! By the way, Jackie recommended us a nice restaurant not far from her café: the Farmer's Apprentice Restaurant where there is a unique tasting menu, vegetarian or not, very fresh and delicious.




After our adventures in Tofino, we came back to Vancouver one last time, and this time our hotel was in Chinatown. We stayed at the, a real boutique hotel in the aboriginal style. It was very nice and it was also the occasion to discover a new district. We had great surprises in the Chinese district of Victoria but I will talk about this soon. Writing this post, I made some researches and found that Vancouver was the North American city with the bigger percentage of Asiatic people... We had dinner at the Bao Bei restaurant that I also recommend you; the decoration and the food were a real pleasure!




  • Our hotel: Skwachays31 West Pender Street.
  • And this amazing Chinese restaurant: Bao Bei163 Keefer Street! Want more! 




About Vancouver, I have to admit that if tomorrow I had to leave France, this city is part of my top 3 of the cities in which I would like to live... I am probably not that objective because we did not have one rainy day, only hot temperatures... but it is certain that Vancouver is a nice city, and I see you soon for more stories!




Translated by Coralie Clair

To read this post in French, click here !

August 12, 2015