I am craving for a break in balanced meal and other sporty-friendly-veggies... I'm craving for sugar actually ! The other day I was working at home alone and just like that, I wanted sugar, it happens sometimes. But my fridge was absent and my cupboards were abstaining... They were worthy of the before-the-fashion-week training. But the truth is I love eating so without a second thought I decided to make a mountain of crepes suzette (okay, not related to today's post but it's coming...). So then, only because working at home can also have its perks - like having one's kitchen around - I decided that from time to time I was allowed to a maxi snack... I show you today my craving-for-sugar #2, a NYC inspired snack from a cute book my mom offered my for Christmas: Marc Grossman's "New York Cult Recipes". 



To make this snack, you will need, for the dough:

  • - 150 g flour
  • - 30 g powdered sugar
  • - 4 teaspoon cornflour
  • - A pinch of salt
  • - 125 g softened pieces of butter

 For the lemon custard:

  • - 20 cl lemon juice + lemon zest
  • - 250 g superfine sugar
  • - 6 eggs
  • - 5 tablespoons flour



Preheat your oven at 180°C.

With a fork or your hands, crumble all the ingredients for the dough until you roughly have breadcrumbs. Spread the breadcrumbs in your pie tin and make sure it is well compacted - I advise that you use the bottom of a glass to flatten and level your dough in the tin. Cooking can be just like building sometimes... Then bake in you oven for 20 minutes, until the dough gets lightly golden.

For the lemon custard, beat the ingredients altogether (I sieve the flour to avoid lumps) and pour the mix on the cooked dough. Lower the oven temperature to 150°C and cook for 40 minutes. Once your pie is cooked, take it out of the oven, leave it to cool for 15 minutes and dust it with powdered sugar. You are now free to choose your presentation: classical triangle shaped slices or squared slices or like I did, circles slices... CERCLE DE PATISSERIE works fine! Enjoy!



February 05, 2013