My little kittens, I'm over the moon right now, I'm back from NYC with my lover. I know it's crazy, it was 4 days of excitation, 4 days of intense fashion week, of crazy encounters backstage and of amazing pictures! But I will quickly come back to it...

I initially wanted to put this recipe in a Diamond Shape theme week (smart right?) but I think colors are great for the occasion and if you put two Calissons together it kind of forms a heart... I clearly am on a cheesy mood... I know I know, I can already hear you saying that Valentine's day is a commercial occasion but I like to tell to my people that I love them and I wanted to do something special... Especially after the avalanche of love that I had following my last 3 posts! I wish you as much love as it is possible to receive, you have no idea how much your little words reach me! I come back to you really soon with lots of answers to many of your questions of which some made me laugh so hard... Thank you again... And without further delay the Calisson of Love recipe! 




To make 20 or so Calissons, you will need:

  • - 150 g almond powder
  • - 100 g powdered sugar
  • - 100 g dried apricot
  • - 50 g crystallized ginger
  • - 75 g crystallized melon
  • - 2 teaspoons orange blossom
  • - 2 teaspoons apricot marmalade
  • - A sheet of unleavened paper




For the dough: Start by taking your blender and making sure it is very sharpened otherwise your task will be very complicated, really... So while your asking everyone of your neighbor for a sharpened blender, mix together the almond powder and the powdered sugar on the baking tray and leave it to dry for 30 minutes at 120°C medium height. Meanwhile cut the crystallized fruits in little pieces. Then put them in the blender and start it at full power! When you have a thin and super sticky sort of fruit jelly, add the orange blossom and blend again. Once your almond and sugar mix is dry and cool, add it to the blender and blend for aprox. 1 minute. You will have a homogeneous dough that will peel away from the blender by itself.

Put your unleavened paper sheet on a straight and dry surface, the square-patterned side on the surface, and put your ball of dough on it and uniformly flatten it to have a 0.5 cm layer. Let it cool for at least an hour. After that time cut your Calisson with a punch or small knife.

 For the frosting it's easy. Gently mix 35 g of white egg with 160 g of powdered sugar. You are free to add food coloring or not... And you only have to coat the top of your Calissons with a butter knife and to smooth their sides with your finger. Leave it to take to an hour in a dry place and enjoy! Happy Valentine's day!



February 14, 2013