Hola kitties!

 I'm back ! And thank you for all your sweet words, reading your reactions was galvanic, I'm so excited !!! I'm over the moon, it is gonna be soo cool ! I can' wait to show you this book... To hear your thoughts about it, to make you win one and enjoy it... Anyway, I don't want to tell you more! I'm here and I don't plan on abandoning you for that long again anymore! And a Theme Week is coming soon... 

What would I do without you? Thanks for your ideas of broccoli recipes, this one is inspired by your comments but not only... I don't know about you but to have me eat some veggies my mum had a special trick: the I-hide-the-veggie-that-you-hate-in-your-macaronis trick, like a noodle surprise party you see, and it worked a few times... So here is a pasta recipe for my Club Med Gym Challenge, the only thing that was missing actually, a good balanced meal with starch, white meat, vegetables... The deal is almost done, one more recipe to go!

 And you know what ? Broccoli became my friend... It didn't happen like that, I had to add coconut milk, soy sauce and cashew nuts but now we are together for life... 



 To make this recipe you will need (for two people):

  • - Pastas
  • - 2 chicken breasts
  • - 1 broccoli
  • - 1can of coconut milk
  • - A handful of cashew nuts
  • - Soy sauce



Soo, I'm not gonna teach you how to cook pastas right ? You've got to be kidding me.... So while your pastas are cooking, put an asian wicker basket above the pan to cook your previously cut broccoli (like little trees) with the steam. If you don't have any wicker basket a steam cooker will do. It's just that I tested the cooking-into-boiling-water for our broccoli friend but it didn't like it that much... It was sad and flabby, and nothing beat a few minutes of steam cooking to keep the crunchy. While your pastas and broccoli are cooking, brown your chicken breast in a non-sticky fry pan with a trickle of olive oil. When cooked, put away from the fire and cut them lengthwise. Put them back into the fry pan and pour the coconut milk and the cashews. Stir often, leave the coconut milk to thicken and when it's ready add the broccoli at the last minute! Present your plates with pastas and add the rest of the ingredients on top, decorate with chiseled coriander and soy sauce (I only had mint available that day..) Enjoy !



January 29, 2013