MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone here, Christmas and 5000 likes on Facebook! One more time I want to say THANK YOU - thank you for your comments, thank you for your love e-letters, thank you for always being there, thank you for your enthusiasm when you come across me in a magazine, on the street or at Fil 2000, thank you for being more numerous here every day. THANK YOU - 2012 was a craaazy year and it's really thanks to you guys... Sooo to say thank you, I prepared a little DIY contest: I'm going to show you how to make a belt or a head band with the handle from a bag. Yes yes, I'm being serious - don't worry I haven't gone completely mad...but I am fed up of constantly yanking up my trousers and I have a poor selection of belts, so BINGO, let's go! 



To do this DIY belt / scarf / head band you will need:

  • - A bag strap (you probably recognize my strap My Suelly...).
  • - A silk scarf measuring about 70 x 70 cm
  • - Some thread and a needle
  • - And a pair of scissors. 

To start, choose a brightly colored scarf (or not, whatever takes your fancy!) Unfold it, fig.2 and then fold it in two in a diagonal direction. Then with the help of your scissors, cut it into two triangles of the same size, fig.3&4. Take the tip of your first triangle, and roll it up towards the inside, fig.5&6 until you get to a few centimeters away from the edge. Then using an iron (at a medium temperature) create a fold to finish off your rolled up scarf, fig. 7. Then with the needle and thread, or with the help of your sewing machine that you got for Christmas, sew along the whole length in order to close up the rolled up scarf.



To finish it off, thread the scarf through the buckle of your strap, and fold it in two in the middle, fig. 1&2. With the help of the needle and thread, fix the scarf together just underneath the buckle on each side, fig.3. Then start all the steps again with the second triangle piece of scarf, and TA-DA! I really want to make myself a belt/head band with a bandana as well...



Play play play, and win a scarf or even two - I'll pick 2 winners out of a hat. Leave me a comment and tell me, what's the worst present you've ever received in your whole life? I'll pick the winners on the 31st of December at 2 p.m., and I promise I'll publish their names at the end of this article!



And the winners are Charlie les Yeux Bleus and Duffaux - thank you girls! You gave me a good giggle in a week full of thank you!


December 26, 2012