And here's the Frida DIY! I apologize in advance for the quality of the video, I hope you won't hold it against me, but I think if you watch it small it should be fine, I can't explain this little blur yet I did everything the same as for the first one, it must be beginner's luck.... here's a DIY that's a bit HUGE, but once again, it's just an example of what you can do: this comb, but with smaller flowers, or with pompons, I'm giving you the basics, it's up to you to have fun with it... and this headdress looks great with your hair down... I'll show it to you on Friday...

 from Make My Lemonade on Vimeo.

To make this hairstyle, you will need:

  • 3 plastic flowers of different sizes
  • a large comb (if you're looking for one on Etsy)
  • 40 cm of pompom (which you will double...)
  • and a needle and thread!

To begin, fold your pom-pom strip in half so as to place them in a staggered pattern. Using your needle and thread, fix your fold, fig 1. Then fix your well-filled pom-pom strip on the comb, still using your needle and thread, fig 3. This alone is enough to win me over... fig 4. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty, and more intuitive, of attaching the flowers to the comb. It all depends on the flowers you're going to find: if, for example, you go to H&m, they're great at making pretty fabric flowers, and on those you've already got a brooch clip, so it's very easy to prick your flower onto the band of pompons. On the other hand, if you're stripping a bouquet of fake flowers, stitch a petal or two and attach the flower to the comb, making several passes fig 5,6 and 7. TADAM fig.8!!!

June 20, 2012