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A few days after the Milk and Chanel event, Alexandre R. contacted and offered me to draw tiny Diptyque 34 boulevard St Germain stores to create the windows of their new perfume "L'eau du 34" (I'll come back to that), but also a small gift to give to their customers and internet users. I smiled, thought about it for like a nano second and obviously said yes. So here is the story of our collaboration. It is the first time I am part of such a great team on a project, with such passionate and efficient service providers. As you understand I am thrilled and I hope that you will like that project as much as I liked working on it. 



Let me tell you a bit more about the story of 34 because it really worths it. This perfume is the unlikely marriage of all the olfactory prints from the candles, eaux de toilettes and even the waxed old wood from the furnitures in the store. This great idea to put this legendary store of the 34th, Boulevard St Germain into a perfume is signed Olivier Pescheux, perfumer for Givaudan.


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 And two years later in 2013 there was a revelation about an obvious thing: the smell of the store changes with the seasons, the different flowers in store, the arrival of Spring... Therefore after the success of "34 Saint Germain", the will to offer a new face to this perfume was born at Dyptique with "L'eau du 34". I will leave it to your appreciation... It is a perfume for everybody with a little bit of frivolity that reaches me somehow... 


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And the cherry on the candle is that I made you a pattern of the Diptyque store to make it yourself and you can download it HERE. Of course I would advise to print it on a thick paper, velum would be perfect and if your printer lets you do it, print it on blotting paper and spray some perfume on the non-printed side to diffuse a delicious smell in your home.


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March 12, 2013