Happy Sunday, chestnuts, 

I've put together a small selection of decorations especially for the office, and you'll see that there are some things that aren't necessarily adaptable to corporate life... But the truth is, I do everything (or almost everything) in my office, starting with putting on my make-up - it's a job like any other, you might say, but at least it's the one I do every morning. My office is next to a window, and what a joy it is to see myself in natural light... Because I think having a window in your bathroom in Paris is almost impossible, I go into exile in my office and for the moment I apply my make-up with a pocket mirror... but with real light! I'm completely fascinated by women who manage to do their make-up in the metro! First of all, it's great to be able to leave the house without make-up, and then hats off to them for knowing how to apply mascara without being seen by others... I don't see it as shamelessness, but as a high-flying feat, managing to apply make-up with the green neon light of the RATP, it's like... the job of a lifetime! Anyway, I came here to talk to you about decorating... While I'm waiting to write an office decor article, I'm polishing up my wish list of things I'd love to have, so I can take pictures of my home for you.



 Because it's important to have a flowery office, I found these incredible magnifying glass soliflores on a hot new site. the cool republic1. big bloom vase 32€ via the cool republic. It's not really a desk lamp, but it's good for the atmosphere, too, and we're a little fixated on owls.... 2. UO owl lamp 40€. I received an e-mail from the designer Juliette Beaupin, and you've got to check out the pretty things this lady has to offer... I've got a crush on this chair, which would be just perfect for my office... 3. Vintage chair renovated by Juliette 165€. Juliette Beaupin. For those of you who know me, it's a little wink because I've been lugging around a landline phone similar to this one for years. I bulged it consecutively in neon pink, then turquoise, and finally stuck tiny rhinestones on the key numbers... And then I don't know what I did with it... 4. Retro beige phone €59.90 Fleux. And then the object of all my desires that would be so perfect on my desk for my make-up session... 5. Side mirror Y'a pas le feu au lac via the cool republic again. And finally, I can't wait to take my lunch breaks and read Margaux Motin's new opus, which I'm sure will make me howl with laughter. The cover alone... 6. Plate tectonics Margaux motin 22,95€

And just because it's you, I'm giving you a sneak preview of my office... you can find these lanterns and honeycomb balls at Alix from sous le lampionan Alibaba cavern (and the little piece of furniture I found on the street - no link possible...) Kisses to you tomorrow! 



May 12, 2013