
I've been thinking a lot about whether I should say anything around here. And I've come to the conclusion that if it's working for me so much, it has to come out. I don't come here as Make My Lemonade, just as a human being with a heart. In fact, since Friday night, my heart has been in pieces, as if I'd been left 100 times, like the whole of France, I'm sure. I'm not going to tell you how I'm coping with the shock, because all the people I know who were there, who witnessed it, by chance, are "fine"... I just want to tell you that you have to try not to succumb to fear, that you have to keep on living, doing, raising your head, for yourself but above all for others... I'm not saying that you shouldn't be sad, but you shouldn't be afraid, otherwise these monsters will have won. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, I just hope there won't be another "yet". I think that for us witnesses, "those who remain", this is the beginning of a struggle in which we must not lend ourselves to amalgams. We have to keep on doing, loving, talking, making and celebrating. It's probably easier to write than to do, but let's at least try. So for all my little cats in the studio, for all my loved ones, for you who have taken the time to read me, let's try to keep on Doing, let's try to make it all less ugly, let's quickly wrap ourselves in beauty, and let's snuggle up in sharing and solidarity. 

I send all my love and thoughts to all those who lost someone on Friday November 13, and to those who continue to search for news of their loved ones...


Thank you Lorenzo Papace for letting me use this image.

To read this post in English, click here!

November 15, 2015