Hello lemons!

I hope you had a lovely pre-summer Sunday. I don't know exactly what's driving me today - it's not my big spring-cleaning weekend, but it's time to clean up my head and my ideas. I think the trigger that's got me out of bed this morning is that since the pdf gate, I've been questioning myself quite a bit. I've sometimes read that it's all about Wear Lemonade now, even on happy days around here, that there's no longer any good tips between girlfriends, that freshness has disappeared... So okay, it's a one-off and it's a touch of acidity in a torrent of love, but all the same, it's good because it adds spice, that I remember and that it makes me think.

No matter how hard I try to focus on the positive and on the work I've done over the last few days, it still comes back to me because it obviously affected me a lot. I tried to analyze all those words and the echo they had in me. And I've come to the simple conclusion that I've changed. 4 years ago, when I started the blog, I was 23. And next month I'll be 28, so you can imagine how these last few years have changed my life. I'm happy to have evolved, to have fine-tuned our little universe in perpetual motion, to have achieved my still fragile dreams.

I'm no longer the same person and I'm so happy. In my personal life, it's been a Bing Bang, I've never been as fulfilled as I am today. And professionally it's also been a big difference, but you already know that, from being alone on my sofa to sometimes working 8 a week in the lemonade studio! Thanks to my training and past experiences, I now know what kind of person I want to be. It takes time, but every day, the contours of that person take shape a little more.

And then there's Wear Lemonade, it's my love, it's our baby at the office, and it's only natural that I should talk about it and wear it regularly! It's thanks to the blog that all this has been possible and then, quite simply, I'm lucky enough to be able to imagine the collections I dream of wearing, I'd be crazy not to have them on my back...

Less DIY? Yes, that's true, but I prefer quality to quantity. I'd rather have the right idea that will result in real quality than lots of mediocre ideas that you and I won't be proud of. That's all there is to it. I take my time because I hate forcing myself to be creative when inspiration isn't there.

The other day, I was zoning in on the first articles on the site and I was in love with the lighting, the staging, the graphic design of the images, but I was also happy to see that the style and technique had changed a lot. It's important for me, with my professional baggage, to try to be better and improve all the time, I was designed that way! All this to say that the blog is my quest space, the place where I found myself, my window on the world, to show you the craziest things we imagine and my favorite time to interact with you, because that's really the icing on the cake. So I've evolved, and I'd like to ask if it's all the same to you? Haven't the last 4 years made you change?

My love to you.

Lisa, a lemon sometimes squeezed.

May 15, 2016