Happy Friday, folks! 

To end this week on a high note, I had to do a "Sex and the City" look, you know, like in the credits with Carrie Bradshaw in a tank top and pink tutu in the middle of the street! But the difference is between the fact that in that show, Jessica Sarah Parker is on 12cm heels in the middle of the street, half-naked and getting splashed by a bus... and there's real life with me and the fear of catching pneumonia to contend with. fooling around the inspired girl in the middle of the street, unaware that in addition to the rain that could send me skidding over the parapet, I could be run over by a garbage truck... being a fashion blogger isn't easy every day, and you have to have a good dose of recklessness too... So, for once, I went to my boyfriend's closet to tax his Lil Wayne t-shirt (but yes, the American rapper!) to break up the too-girlie side of things. ) to break up the girly side of the tutu, sequined beret and polka-dot tights (okay, I went a bit overboard today). Life is all about balance, let me show you:  

- tutu + guy shirt = OK but tutu + cleavage = not OK but slutty

- polka-dot tights + derbies = OK but polka-dot tights + bow sandals = not OK but quiche

- black collarless jacket + anything = OK it's a general rule of thumb...

Here's the math for me: a good dose of femininity, with a few masculine pieces and some real, super-neutral basics and you're all set. Looking back, I can see why I got a 4 in maths on my A-levels... see you tomorrow, girls. 


 Today I still wear a real Chanel jacket (THANK YOU Marie from Shifumi), but you can find a very convincing ersatz at Mangotake a look. A guy's tee shirt (definitely my guy's closet...) with Lil Wayne in crayon on it, Opening Ceremony, a vintage tutu offered by my mom for my 20th birthday (nostalgia moment), tights please that I can't let go of and derbies. Sarenza so cool! And a sequin bonnet Forever 21 bought last season....

November 30, 2012