My little cats,

I hope you're all well. I've just got back from Hong Kong, and I'm completely blown away by this express trip and this crazy city! I love being abroad, for me there's nothing more inspiring, and being far away often allows me to take a step back from everyday life and realize how lucky I am to have such a great team and that together we're building a crazy adventure! In short, I'm happy, jet lagged but happy. And just before we left, we were lucky enough to work for Petit Bateau ! The brand has just released its new commercial. And we at the Lemonade studio obviously love it, we love the DIY, cardboard-paste feel to it, we have the impression that the inspiration was the work of Michel Gondry... Whimsical and childlike, everything we love in fact...

When we met the Petit Bateau team a few months ago, we discovered mood boards from the Petit Bateau collection. advertising spot but we discovered it, along with everyone else. We loved the idea of the Mini Factory, kids crash-testing clothes. I had in mind the old ads with kids doing silly things like "What's the point of designing clothes if you can't do anything in them! ". I've always found the brand to be extremely original in its communications, and the stories they tell around their products are always super poetic and hyper coherent with the DNA of their brand. As you'll have gathered, I've been following this brand for a long time, and I think it's fair to say that I grew up with it, as many did.

Working together, I've discovered some great things I didn't know, but Petit Bateau has a doudouthèque. Yes, you read that right, a doudou library! In the event of loss, accident or even theft of a Doudou, you can contact them. I think it's great! So I was delighted to collaborate with them. They asked me to do a shoot for Make My Lemonade inspired by the "Crafty" spirit of the latest spot. Mini Factory. So the team brainstormed and looked for the best way to reinterpret this story with our own codes. A cardboard mini-city seemed an obvious choice. And then, between our move, our Wear Lemonade orders and the receipt of our stock, cardboard boxes were truly the emblematic objects of our year 2015.

And who, as a child, hasn't built a tree house in a cardboard box? Between two sofa cushions, invaded the living room with his toys... It was so nice to be 7 years old! It was pretty obvious that I wanted to shoot this story with children! So I asked Martin Condominesa specialist in photojournalism, to come and capture this recreation! It was great to shoot with Tâm and Léo. I'm getting to know them well, but I'm still fascinated by their ability to tell stories with 3 pieces of tape, a pair of scissors and some cardboard.

My big sister is a primary school teacher, and I remember a little story she told me: one day, the children in her kindergarten class were chatting and asked her how old she was. At first, she asked them to guess and then finally she tried to make them believe she was the same age as them. Of course, they weren't fooled! Then a little girl told her: "Just look in your panties. Round-eyed and almost mortified, she asked, "Why?" And the little girl answered because mine says "Petit Bateau 4 ans"! I love that story, and I'm glad that mine says "Petit Bateau 18" for a long time to come!

Tâm and Léo are wearing Petit Bateau clothes, of course, and I'd like to thank Caroline and Audrey for their trust! Kisses and see you tomorrow for a little DIY express for your last-minute Christmas gifts.

December 22, 2015