
Photo and typography Noel Shiveley

"Hello you are 145th on the call list, your estimated wait is between 3 and 150 minutes..."

Hello company,

 Today I'm here to talk about a subject that's been close to my heart for a while. The little and big hassles of life as an entrepreneur. Since our last meetings at the office sale, or when you came to meet us during the open house, I've realized that maybe I wasn't reflecting reality. You know, here and on instagram, I only show you the most beautiful side of our lives, the best version, the best of our daily lives. I even hope to inspire you, and more than anything, make you want to do... 

 So, on a recurring basis, I tell you about entrepreneurship, that it's the best decision of my life, the craziest and most unconscious one too. That I'm incredibly lucky to be able to invent my business day by day. It's still true, but I think I'm telling you this to focus on our daily victories and the little pleasures that life as a freelancer has to offer. But in reality, I don't just make paper casseroles all day, or throw glitter, or fill Plexiglas boxes with confetti. Today I'm lucky, with all the success you've given us, we're a whole team, but there are always "off" days. And little problems never come alone, they usually come in numbers.

 When you're an entrepreneur, there are a lot of annoying things to deal with, depending on the status of your company, but also on the urssaf, the taxes, the VAT declaration, the RSI... It's not every day Sunday, and even Sunday doesn't look like it should. You see, when you're self-employed, all these things are like the little hassles of everyday life. 

 Imagine, you know that light bulb you've had to change for months, one fine day you go to the hardware store determined to do something about it, you buy the bulb, you come home and there you realize you've bought a barrel bulb when you really needed a screw-in base. Well, imagine the hassles of independent living: you have to change the bulb as soon as the light goes out.

 So this is just a quick note to tell you that setbacks do happen, but don't let them paralyze you or stop you from getting started. My only advice is to accept them as soon as they happen and concentrate on the fact that tomorrow will be another day. And remember, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!


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December 10, 2015