My little cats, 

It's very late to be posting, and it's funny to think that, as if there were perfect timing, since I kind of set the rules here... I'd love to be able to surprise you and post at any time of the day or night, but you've got to understand that I don't make it past midnight, unless I've got an urgent deadline with gallons of coffee to back it up, but normally I'm a marmot, a real big marmot who collapses as soon as I go horizontal, it's physical like a doll, I close my eyes... 

 Anyway, back to our subject... You made me laugh with your challenges... I could see that many of you wanted to see me at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower doing anything, or naked in the streets of Paris, with food on my face... Well, how can I put it... I was ready to put myself in a bathing suit, near the Canal St Martin, but that challenge never came up, and then in terms of timing and logistics, I don't have a Cinderella dress or a bird costume in my closet... So I'll let you discover the challenges of the 3 winners, I didn't damage myself too much, I admit... but I'm sure I made the passers-by laugh, and that I still have after-effects from certain challenges.


- winner n°1: Marianne`F ‏@_Mariou @makemylemonade "Are you able to do a hair/beauty tuto on a passerby on the street?" and yes, this one was the easiest... but I love the style brigade idea! : challenge1

- winner #2: Mandine ‏@Amandouni @makemylemonade "cap ou pas cap de faire un Happy Friday avec ALL les vêtements de ta garde de robe? "Well yes, I made my photographer howl with laughter ok I don't wear all my clothes but I couldn't wear any more :challenge 2

- winner n°3: Oph @LilOph @makemylemonade Do you dare to walk down the street in a tutu with your cat in your arms? So this one seemed like the simplest and coolest on paper, but Frida freaked out like never before, after lacerating my back, and I didn't really want to traumatize her any more than that, so we stayed a meter away from the front door, but it still counted: challenge 3



March 06, 2013