

My little cats, 

 I have to tell you: life is complicated at the moment, but nothing serious, in any case I'll tell you more soon... 

Last week, just like that, like a sudden urge, I got fed up with having hair everywhere, I'm undergoing hair rehab, the scarf screwed on my head, a giant lock of hair on my forehead. Gravity no longer had any hold on my skull. I was the hidden child of Justin Bieber and Sangoku (Dragon Ball Z and all that), and I was hot. Need to change my head...




 I dream of a little square. I'm not far from it, but not yet either, just 2 weeks to go. And I've got stupid hair. No, really, there's nice hair, biopolar hair and then there's my stupid hair. For some reason, the back of my head grows much faster than the rest of my hair. So I regularly have a long neck. SEXY. With the back of my head full of hair, the "kissing neck" fresh from the hairdresser usually lasts 2 days. And forget the kisses, I look more like Dick Rivers than Amélie Poulain from the back.

 So I call my favorite hairdresser, our national Fred, who tells me to forget the bob because "they" aren't ready. Soon, but not yet. And then I see him, I talk to him about braids, hair down to my buttocks, Game of Thrones... We get heated about extensions, and then Fred gets carried away: what if we did our own colors of highlights, pastel pink or baby blue. He'd like to mow my hair and draw astrological signs, and I'm sure that would be great. But now I was really afraid I'd end up with colored dreads, a silk sarouel and a diabolo in my backpack. And then, after much thought, we decided that the simplest thing to do would be to keep the color simple, but to braid the hair, a little urban ethnic look that we really liked. I recommend the Pinterest board for this project... 




 So it's with this pinterest board that we find ourselves in the Brady Passage in Château D'eau at Dovi's. Dovi, whom Fred has already filmed for her exhibition at Quai Branly last year, scares me a little. She has about 2,000 mini braids on her head. Fred is here to do the art direction for everything that's been happening on my head for the past 2 years, and so far I've never been disappointed, so everything's going to work out fine. The adventure starts badly, no signal, no wifi, no pinterest. I'm not sure if Dovi can grasp the subtlety of Fred's urban tribal braid. I'm a little scared. We head off to a nearby boutique to buy some fake hair. I think back to friends who came back from Thailand with mini plaits and multicolored beads at the ends. Cold sweats on the back of my (long) neck. Everything's going to be fine. I'm in the store, raving mad, there are some really crazy things, hair of every color except mine, I come across coconut oil, space barrettes, incredible styling heads, wigs I'd never have guessed existed. Too many possibilities open up for me. At the checkout, we get 6 euros worth of fake hair. Dovi tells me about Beyoncé. It's all right, and as my eyes fall on the multicolored plastic beads at the checkout, my jaw clenches...




Back to the salon, Dovi brushes my future hair, I'll literally have 1 meter of hair at once like that in 2 hours. Better than ultra yeast. Everything's going to be fine. Dovi tells me my hair is too short to do what we had in mind, which I kind of suspected but secretly hoped would work. Too bad this time, she starts with the nape of the neck, and even then she says it's really too short, I think she's overdoing it, if there's one place where my hair isn't too short it's at the nape of the neck! Anyway, I can't wait until she's on top of my head making huge braids. 




2 doliprane later, I'm literally hypnotized by the small screen showing the summer series: Coeur Océan (the power of dialogue...). Fred has to leave, and I find myself alone with Dovi, who braids like a machine. She attacks the top of my skull. I'm in apnea, but my hair art director has done a good job and I can feel my inner Beyoncé appearing in the Brady passage.




That's it, I'm contemplating myself - I don't really see Beyoncé after all, but...  Sean Paul. And then to choose, I think I'm more Sean Paul than Justin Bieber in the background. It's hard to make such a difficult choice... Thanks to Dovi for his patience! To Fred for his love and these photos.... I'll show you more pictures of the result in a few days.


June 24, 2014