
Hello my little cats, my little chestnuts, my sweet friends...

I'm writing to you to tell you about everything that's going on around here at the moment... The lemonade studio is in a state of flux right now, always on the move, in effervescence, I think that's what best defines our office lives: restlessness... Furniture is being moved around, space is being reorganized, new faces are being welcomed, questions are being asked, positions are being taken. Things are in a state of flux right now. But that's good, because I think we're questioning ourselves and growing. I realize now that we're a real company, with all that that implies, between Make My Lemonade, Wear Lemonade and my "Lisa Gachet" activities. It's a bit paralyzing for me, as I'm often too much in the moment, but it's also very galvanizing to imagine what's next and wonder what my next dreams are.

And I have to admit that it's good to grow up, I ask myself questions about what I really want to do, and why I'm doing it, it keeps me on track. I advise you to ask yourself this question. If you're embarking on the adventure of entrepreneurship, ask yourself this question often: "Why am I doing it?", and keep asking yourself why until you get the simplest answer you can. This answer should be your driving force for the rest of your life. I'll give you a super-basic example, but imagine asking yourself: 

  • - Why do I do it?
  • - To get rid of my boss and do what I really love > Why?
  • - To be free > Why? 
  • - To be happy.

Well, it may sound ambitious and crazy to me, but my goal in life to be happy is to set up a company that makes the people who work there happy, and to ensure that the company's mission is to make people happy, by wearing Wear Lemonade, making Wear Lemonade, and reading Make My Lemonade. Welcome to the Care Bears. If I'm honest with myself ( much more than the subject of making money, so that money isn't money anymore ), my goal in life is to make people happy. 

And then in my search for answers to the "how" of making people happy, I came up with an idea, and I can't wait to share it with you! Ever since we set up our big office, I've been telling myself that this space is also meant to be a meeting place. With Wear Lemonade, you have the opportunity to pick up your orders at the office, and I realize that sometimes you'd like to stay a little longer... So I thought we'd organize an open evening!

What for? Well, to come and say hello, drink a lemonade, ask us questions, try on Wear Lemonade pieces, give us ideas for items, meet in person, and why not tell me what makes you happy? 

See you Thursday November 12 at the studio, 80 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis from 5:30 to 8:30 pm! To get all the info you need to access the lemonade studio, sign up for our newsletter, and we'll send you all the access codes later today. I've no idea what it's going to be like, but I know we can't wait to meet you!

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November 06, 2015