Hello Tuesday!

The second article on New York, this one a special one for my boyfriend... It's probably a compilation of all his favorite moments (at least the ones I chose to show you). Yes, because I took around 1,000 photos and lots of little videos, and it's hard to sort through and choose, so I asked myself what might interest you, and what I wanted to show you and tell you about... You know, this is my 3rd trip to New York, and I'm lucky enough to have an aunt (GENIALE) who lives there, to whom I'm very close and who welcomes me like a princess on every visit... So this time I wanted to redo the must-sees so that my lover could discover them, but also to see them again with fresh eyes, and perhaps a more adult look. I mean, I now know how to "feed" on what I see, to reintegrate it into my work... the other times it was pure madness, the extraordinary that touched me, but this time it was downright transcendental... (or something total in that taste). I'm well aware that I was privileged during this vacation, but if you only knew how much work I put into this trip... (I made perfectos, bridesmaids' and best men's dresses... to the point of losing my mind), but I have no regrets, because enjoying, discovering and rediscovering is really something that changed the way I look at things... (in a positive way, of course...) and that's priceless! That was this week's in-depth article, I promise tomorrow we'll move on to lighter, essential things like DIY...

August 28, 2012