Hello my little cats!

As I write this, the studio is busy getting ready to welcome you this evening! And I'm bringing you my latest article on Athens! It's a rather special article, as I'd been thinking about doing a design like this for a long time! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Athens! I'd like to thank Noémie, a reader-turned-friend who helped me make our journey through this city, so we didn't miss a thing!

Obviously, these are my must-sees, but feel free to extend the list in the comments! We stayed there for 3 days (2 nights) before returning to Paris... I can't tell you how hard it was to get back, because we loved the city, and it was a really good idea to finish in Athens, as a gradual return to city life.

I read in the comments on Instagram that you had mixed feelings about this city, but really, I loved it as much as Lisbon, there's a little decrepit and frozen in time that I really like. And I've rarely eaten so well - it has to be said that when you're in love, everything tastes better, but we really did a flawless job, gustatively speaking!

If you'd like to review my first article on Santorini it's here, for the article on the Crete it's this way and for the album Facebook with all the photos of the trip, you can click on here.

Thanks to Noémie for her advice! I'll leave you with my must-sees:

Number one, because I think it's absolutely brilliant: to be able to rub shoulders with History! It gives me chills just thinking about it, and of course it's crowded, but the walk to get there is really top-notch, and the surroundings are charming.

I recommend having breakfast on the roof of the hotel. Great Britainor have a drink there when the sun goes down, it's one of the best views of the city.

As the daughter of an E.P.S. teacher, I couldn't fail to visit the first Olympic stadium of the modern games to say hello to Pierre de Courbetin and his friends. It's a little-visited place, immense and sublime.

Another great spot to watch a beautiful sunset, a 6-pack under the arm, we climb to the top of Areopagos Hill and watch the magical spectacle.

Once you've visited the ruins of the acropolis, you're ready to lose yourself in the little streets of Plaka!

If the weather is very hot, I recommend a visit to the national park. As a great lover of gardens, I really enjoyed this one, which is a little wild in places, and a little shade won't do you any harm!

Treat yourself at any ice cream parlour and order a yoghurt ice cream... We ate quite a few and all were excellent, but if you have a favourite address, don't hesitate to leave a comment!

As a great lover of aperitifs, I think this hidden bar was one of the nicest discoveries of our stay... I won't tell you more, I'm sure you'll enjoy mingling with the locals.

And in the town itself, there are a few open-air cinemas, so if you're lucky you might find an American film, or if you're not, make yourself a Greek film and let yourself be lulled by their gentle accent...

Very touristy, but so chic to go and have your spartan shoes made to measure at Melissinos ! Like Jackie O' and Audrey Hepburn!

February 24, 2016