Karuna BallooThe name alone suggested that something magical was about to happen...

To tell you the whole story, I didn't meet Karuna on a street corner, just by looking for my daily bread, I provoked fate. It all began a few months ago, at Sacrés Coupons, my official supplier of fabrics and other materials that fill my office. In this little store on rue d'Orsel, next to the cash desk, there's a huge cork panel on which are pinned dozens of business cards and classified ads from loyal customers. And always, when I'm about to check out, rather than watch the numbers fly out the window, I prefer to look down and lose my gaze in the panel, and every time I'd come across "Karuna Balloo, textile horticulturist".I asked Patricia, the genial saleswoman of this place I adore, if she knew this mysterious Karuna? Of course, Patricia knows almost everyone, so she gave me her number. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, but I had it. I waited for the right moment to contact her, since these special flower weeks couldn't have come at a better time... 



So I made an appointment to meet Karuna Balloo at her incredible studio in Montreuil, not knowing what to expect. Well, to cut a long story short, I think if it's possible, I've fallen in love with her work... 

Karuna Balloo what an exotic name, I ask her right away, is it a pseudonym, some kind of magic formula? Not at all, it's her real name... It's under this beautiful patrimonial auspice that this French-Mauritian-Indian grew up in a denim family, and she remembers doing her homework sitting astride rolls of denim... A good omen for the future, she studied fashion at the Institut Supérieur des Arts Appliqués, then worked for 10 years as a textile designer for various companies... Having exhausted her eyes and inspiration on a computer screen creating patterns and wefts for the textile industry, Karuna decided to take an evening course in embroidery at the Paris town hall, and in the process set up her own textile accessories company, to put an end to computers and do something concrete and creative with her 10 fingers.


Karuna is a lover of Japanese culture and things from the past, and began collecting information and archives, using the benches of the Forney library and garage sales in search of flowers and vintage items to feed her inspiration. Between a passion for Japan, with the art of kanzashi (textile origami), and heritage, with the discovery and acquisition of antique milliner's supplies. Karuna develops her own style and gradually creates her "Horticultrice Textile" craft... 


You can buy Karuna's creations on her website website but also in many other outlets to discover here. Each flower takes her 2 hours to make, and each petal is carefully folded by her, a real work of goldsmith... Karuna also makes special pieces for weddings or other events, or even for everyday life after all... Enjoy yourself as much as I did, I left this meeting light as a feather with a desire to devour the world! Thank you Karuna!


October 17, 2013