

Happy Monday my little butter hearts! 

I hope you're well and that you're still away for the weekend... So for today, I've concocted a little "comfort food" recipe with butter, whipped cream, rum and, above all, matcha green tea, my new passion. For a long time, I tried to make a gluten-free choux pastry recipe with corn flour, rice flour, rye flour and sometimes all three at the same time, without really convincing results; sometimes the taste was there but the shape was totally untestable, or the puffiness was perfect but inedible. So that's it, I'm giving up and we'll see about gluten-free later... I've decided to break this new habit by filling up on sugar, butter and cream because it's still too good every now and then and it's almost winter and the bikini is far away... As a bonus, for all those who thought summer was holding out and who have Darth Vader's voice and gout on this Monday, I've prepared a little recipe for Lemon Rum Grog, so that tomorrow will be nothing but voluptuous.

Tenderness and Chouquette.

Lisa Havana.




Recipe for choux pastry :

  • -100 g butter
  • -25 cl water
  • -10 g sugar
  • -1 pinch baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • -150 g flour
  • -4 eggs

And for the cracker :

  • - 50 g softened butter
  • - 60 g brown sugar
  • - 60 g flour.
Start with the cracker, mixing the soft butter (not melted), the brown sugar and the flour. Roll out the dough to 2 mm between 2 sheets of parchment paper. Put the cracker in the freezer while you make the choux.
Now it's time to preheat your oven to 200°C. Bring the water, sugar, salt and chopped butter to the boil in a small saucepan. Off the heat, add the flour all at once and mix well with a wooden spoon. Return the pan to a very low heat, stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes to allow the dough to dry out and the mixture to pull away from the sides of the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool. Meanwhile, beat the eggs into an omelette and, still off the heat, add them in 2 additions to the previous mixture. Once the dough is homogeneous, return to the heat and stir constantly for about 10 minutes, until the dough dries out again. Leave to cool a little, then pipe the choux pastry into a piping bag and shape them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Remove the cracker from the freezer and cut it out with a cookie cutter, placing it on top of each choux. Make crowns too, using the cookie cutter as a guide.

The pastry cream:
  • - 50 cl whole milk,
  • - 6 egg yolks,
  • - 100g sugar,
  • - 50g flour,
  • -1 tsp matcha green tea.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar to obtain a smooth cream, then stir in the flour. Pour half the boiling milk over the mixture while whisking, then pour it back into the saucepan, continuing to stir - this is very important, as the cream will set very quickly. Remember, the longer the cream boils, the thicker it will be. Pour the cream into a bowl, add the matcha, leave to cool and store in a cool place.


Once your choux and crowns have cooled, cut them in half lengthways, and fill them with crème pâtissière. Add a teaspoon of matcha to the whipped cream, which will bind the choux and crown together for the Saint Honoré. Place a garnished crown on a plate, fill the hole with a generous tablespoon of chantilly and place your garnished choux in a sort of pyramid. For the final decoration, I mixed green almond paste with a pinch of matcha to accentuate the color and add a little hint of the bitterness I love in marzipan, then rolled out the almond paste a few millimeters and cut out circles with a cookie cutter.


And the Grog recipe.

  • The juice of half a lemon,
  • A large teaspoon of honey,
  • 1cl liquid sugar,
  • 3cl white rum, here from Havana Club,
  • 15 cl hot water,
  • 2 cinnamon sticks or 1 tsp cinnamon powder.
Heat the water in a small saucepan, pour in the rum and liquid sugar just before the mixture boils, then remove from the heat and add the juice of half a lemon. Mix well and add the honey and cinnamon. Mix well and add the honey and can add hot water to your grog if the mixture is too strong... Lie down under the sofa blanket, enjoy, rest and, above all, take care of yourself.
Thank you Julie Perrot for your time and patience. 
November 10, 2014