
 asos dress and accessories Karuna BallooPizza du Da vito, Heron Lanzani and Earrings Reine Rosalie. photo credit Justine Grebot

 Happy Sunday, hot chestnuts, 

THANK YOU a million times over for your feedback, so encouraging, and so kind, I've been nothing but joy and love since Friday, thank you, it's a pleasure to share it all with you, really. I wanted to show you a bit of what goes on behind the scenes of these photo shoots, because some of you have asked me how long it takes to organize shoots like this one... Well, to tell you the truth, it takes a bit of time, because you have to find the location and organize yourself around it, coordinate the teams, photographer, assistant, make-up artist, photo equipment and set rental... I think the hardest part is setting a date and sticking to it. 



Table aux merveilles, accessories Karuna Balloo and head band DIY. photo credit Justine Grebot

 I'd been ambitious, thinking I could have shot the venue in the morning, my table, and had my photo taken by Pauline in the afternoon... The day before, I realized that I clearly couldn't do it all in one day, and I have a horror of rushing things, so I preferred to split the 3 shoots over 2 days. On the 1st day, the "Happy Friday" shoot with Pauline Darley and then the shoot for the venue and my Christmas table. In terms of organization, I'm bringing my whole life with me on one shoot. I come with suitcases and bags full to bursting, only to end up shooting some of the equipment I've been lugging around... Ì It's better to have choices. Always too much rather than too little, that's a rule, or at least that's my rule n°1.



Pyjamas Asos and accessories Karuna Balloo, Make up Urban Decay, Nelly and her assistant Célia... photo credit Justine Grebot.

I always have my suitcase ready, with glue, scotch tape of all sizes and colors, scissors, wire cutters, flat and round pliers, thread and needles, stickers, glitter, confetti, etc. The basics - never forget them - are my rule n°2. And my No. 3 tip is to be comfortable, to be able to go about your life in a pair of runnings so you can run everywhere, an elastic band to tie your hair up so it doesn't get in your face, (this doesn't concern me anymore...) flowing but chic pants, or a dress like "my favorite dress", with a good pair of tights and off you go, and then a little jacket so you don't catch a cold...and there you go! So, did you enjoy these special Gatsby weeks?

And then, I thought it might be cool to give you the making of my weeks from time to time on Sundays?



Doudoune FoliaVintage decor Lanzani and Lafayette Maison boules, photo credit Justine Grebot.

December 22, 2013