Hello my little otters,

We're definitely not leaving each other at the moment, because today it's me, Charlotte, who has the honor of telling you about our latest workshop with Lacoste. After all these wonderful gifs gifs, I couldn't resist telling you about the rest of the day! A sunny day at your side, this time under the sign of the accessory and the crocodile!

We've been working with Lacoste over the past few months to come up with this Workshop, with the flagship piece : the Chantaco bag ! We chose this iconic Lacoste model for this workshop in white, because with a white base anything is possible, and with the hope that it would appeal to everyone... So we imagined little tassels to dress it up. Glitter or pastel leather pompons for a fresh look. I promise we'll be sharing the DIY with you soon, and I swear it's as easy as pie and super effective for dressing up a bag, shoes, XL earrings, a futuristic Christmas tree...

For the second workshop, we decided to teach participants how to make a pinata. I have to confess that at Lemonade Studio, I have the secret title of "Queen of Pinatas", simply because as soon as there's one to make, I can't wait and I'm always lucky enough to get stuck in! As a result, I've clearly become, with no false modesty, quite good at it. To give you an idea of the "titles" we have, Laure is "Queen of bosses", Lisa "Queen of lemons" or "Queen of flowers" (she's still hesitating...). I've also dreamed of being "Queen of Confetti", but it's far less impressive than "Queen of Pinatas".

All this to say that we came up with mini pinatas in the shape of a crocodile, which each one would dress up and cover. I might as well tell you that it was a bit tedious, but our Lemonade girls for the day all pulled it off like pros, and I was pretty impressed, almost worried that someone was stealing my title. Ok, the crocodile pinata was the perfect pretext for Lacoste, but above all it was an initiation into the making and secret mechanics of these ephemeral objects.

Our ten participants left with a pompom bag, a scarf and a Lacoste pinata! Many thanks to Marlette, Balibert and Nubio who partnered the event, everyone also left with bellies full of love and treats. Thanks also to Maisons du monde for being our partner since the beginning of the studio workshop adventure!
Thanks also to the Lacoste team and all the little hands who worked to make this day possible. (I'm not thanking Mac Lesgy, who still hasn't given us the answer to our question about the Lemonade geyser that caused our falls).

Hugs and best wishes for a lovely Sunday! Charlotte S.

May 31, 2015