Like a craving for a break from balanced meals and sporty-friendly vegetables, like a craving for sugar! So the other day, in the middle of the afternoon working at home, all alone, I had a craving for sugar, yeah, well sometimes that happens to me, but in my fridge it wasn't a party and in my cupboards it was a Ramadan party... A cupboard worthy of a week's preparation before fashion week. But the truth is, I love, love, love to eat... So that day, in the middle of the afternoon, I made myself a mountain of crêpes suzette... (okay, not related to today's post, but I'm getting there...) So, just because working from home can also have a few advantages, like having your kitchen close at hand, I decided that every now and then, I had the right to treat myself to a little "compet'" snack.Today, I'm showing you my sweet tooth no. 2, a New York-inspired snack... This recipe is taken from a great little book, 'Un gouter à new york' by Marc Grossman, which my little mom gave me for Christmas... 

To make this snack you'll need..:

for the dough:

  • - 150g flour,
  • - 30g powdered sugar,
  • - 4 tsp Maizena,
  • - pinch of salt,
  • - 125g butter, softened into small pieces.

for the lemon flan:

  • - 20cl lemon juice and the zest of one lemon,
  • - 250g caster sugar,
  • - 6 eggs,
  • - 5 tablespoons flour. 


    Start by preheating your oven to 180°C. Using a fork or your small hands, sand all the ingredients in the dough until you obtain a kind of coarse crumb. Line the bottom of your dish with these crumbs and press them down well. I recommend using the bottom of a glass to flatten and level the dough in your dish. Sometimes cooking is a bit like building... Then bake for 20 minutes, until lightly browned. For the lemon mixture, whisk together all the ingredients (sift the flour to avoid lumps). Pour the mixture over your baked dough. Turn your oven down to 150°C and bake for 40 minutes. Once your tart is cooked, take it out of the oven, leave to cool for 15 minutes and sprinkle with powdered sugar. You're free to choose how you'd like to present it: as a slice of classic tart, or in a square, or even in the round... the pastry circle works very well! Enjoy! 

    February 05, 2013