My dear otters,

It's with great emotion that I write to you today. I'm accustomed to writing making-of articles about our daily lives at the Lemonade Studio: behind-the-scenes, our downfalls (remember), our lovely projects,... I'm taking up the pen today to give you our lemony, ukuleled "Ice Cream Playlist", sometimes dated, but always inspired by the good vibes of summer (I'd like to tell you that this wonderfully rhymed sentence was written in one go, without breathing!). But beyond making you want to wiggle your glutes (I promise, it's almost the last rhyme of this article), I'm proud as punch to show you my love fan today... In fact, if you've been following us for any length of time, and even more so if you've stumbled across my instagramyou know my love of paper. So after several years of doing my thing on a daily basis at Lemonade Studio, a few days ago I finally felt confident enough to say to Lisa "what if for the playlist I made something out of paper to illustrate?". And so our sweet Lisa encouraged me and gave me carte blanche!
To tell you the truth, summer and the heat that goes with it aren't really my thing. I prefer spring, with its little character, capable of soaking you from head to toe in 5 minutes, without warning. So for Ice Cream Week and because of the ambient heat (and this playlist will make you even hotter, spoiler alert: it's got Shakira and Jlo) I decided to accompany it with a breath of fresh air: a fan! A beautiful vintage object that I've been dreaming of reinterpreting in paper! And because it would otherwise have been too simple, I succeeded, with AntoineYes, yes, it's made entirely of paper, apart from the little motor. It's not quite perfect, and it shakes a bit, but I think that's because it's a bit emotional too! So there you have it, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did, and I'll see you soon for a new making-of or other paper interludes!

I wish you a wonderful lemony day, and a kiss with a mouthful of ice cream (one last rhyme for the road, never two without three)!

July 21, 2016