Hello my little cats! 

I hope you had a nice, warm and restful weekend... Just enough to get you ready for these two weeks of special Christmas madness. I've really enjoyed preparing for this period! Especially as Christmas is the genesis of Make My Lemonade for me... Indeed, 3 years ago, through an incredible combination of circumstances, I fell headlong into the Christmas spirit. Nothing predestined me to feel like a potential Bree Van de Kamp. I say this because I've always been the type to do or say the exact opposite of what I wanted to do, like saying I hated Christmas to give myself some pseudo-depth... When in fact I adore Christmas, but it took me a few years to be just right with myself! I've often said that I hated fashion, and that I didn't want to be a stylist in high school because I didn't want to be like all the other girls in my class, and so on... The first Christmas on this site was black and white, so I'm going back to basics this year, because this holiday will be black and white with a touch of blue, moon grey (pierrot the moon), and a little pink...




And it's with a touch of pride that I'm launching this special Christmas fortnight on November 24... Because my first Christmas, I posted it on February 18, (a bit late), but it's long been my thing to post special flower weeks in the middle of autumn, or salad recipes in the middle of December... So let's make good resolutions in advance! I promise I'll try to be on time! Can't wait for Valentine's Day next week (just kidding)...

For more Pierrot-inspired images, go to my Pinterest account which is literally exploding! Thank you for that! Big hugs to you my little cats! See you tomorrow!!! 

November 24, 2014