
Happy Friday my little cats! 

This week I joined my boyfriend Manu Fauque in Montreuil, to take some photos for this lemon week! Manu is truly an explorer, and at the end of line 8, I went on vacation with him for an afternoon. I can't tell you about the heat, the dense light, the blue sky and the peacefulness of Montreuil. It was the best. I find that Manu excels in the art of exploring urban territories to take his photos elsewhere. Manu can make concrete sexy. I remember one photo series he did for the wonderful site l'Exception in Pantin, and for a moment, when I saw them, I had the sensation of being in a small town deep in the U.S. to which I'd never been. But his photos spoke to my subconscious, to a collective imagination that can be formed through cinema and the Internet.


I'm wearing the Ava skirt by Wear Lemonadea t-shirt Monkia jacket Carvenand Glitter pumps Patricia Blanchet.

That day, he transported me to a small road in the South of France, to an abandoned Slavic village, or even to a crazy Japanese dream with this field of multicolored cones... A minute vacation, I'm learning to enjoy these little bubbles far from my daily "Buttes Chaumont > Sentier" landscape. To vary the visual pleasures, because I can't hide the fact that the disorientation of a visit to a faraway land is a distant memory! Not for much longer, though, as I have a feeling that summer will be hot and synonymous with backpacks! 


I'm wearing a dress Mademoiselle Ra sublime summer coat Asos and a pair of Louboutin acid yellow.

If Manu excels in the art of taking us elsewhere, I'm learning to religiously collect these famous little magical moments, which are like nano-vacations in the middle of the week, and in the space of a few hours, recharge me for a great moment. I remember coming back to the office, drained, but happy, as if I'd been on a long journey, yet I'd just got to the end of line 9. 


I'm wearing the Lolita dress whose pattern Wear Lemonade will be available next week! 

And it made me realize just how much I sometimes feel like I'm not looking up from my daily routine/computer/phone. Of not being aware of everything around me. You know how sometimes you look up from your screen and discover that there's an incredible terrace on that building you pass every day? I've already told you about my desire to rediscover, or in fact just discover Paris?


 I'm wearing a mustard yellow dress Asos and a pair of Glitter pumps Patricia Blanchet.

And all this to say that I don't know if you remember, but a while back, I told you about a great application called Head SpaceI tried out the "On the Go" option, which is a series of meditative exercises to be done while walking with your headphones on. Not at all, on the contrary, headphones don't just mean crazy music in your ears (I'm 100 years old as I write this), and these exercises are excellent for being more attuned to everything around us, a real help in becoming aware of things we take for granted. From the smell of warm bread in the bakery around the corner, to the pink shutters in the building on your secret shortcut street... 


Now you think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown and that it's really time for me to go on vacation. Not at all, I just think that sometimes we get so caught up in our lives and our jobs that we just forget to stretch our necks above the crowd and enjoy. So okay, meditating on the way to the office is all well and good, and rediscovering the color of your neighbors' walls is great, but it also allows you to be more present for all the other things in your daily life... Like stopping playing roller-coaster games with your emotions. 


 I'm wearing the Ava skirt by Wear Lemonadea t-shirt Monkia jacket Carvenand Glitter pumps Patricia Blanchet. And on the right I'm wearing the Lolita dress whose pattern Wear Lemonade will be available next week! 

Don't you see what I mean? To go from the joy of having won a great contract, to a boring e-mail that knocks the wind out of you in 4 seconds flat. All that to say, slow down, put your head up, put your laptop back in your bag and enjoy the summer that's just beginning, take a deep breath, rejoice in the little joys of everyday life and, with a bit of luck, we'll soon be on vacation... Kisses, I'm off to put on my yellow/orange toga and shave my head! 

Lisa Bouddha.

To read this post in English, click here!

June 26, 2015