happy friday my little cats! 

No DIY today, but tomorrow! In fact, I'm like a kid, I can't stand it anymore, I just wanted to show you these pictures! So I thought I'd surprise you with not one look, but 3 easy ones, and a beautiful photo shoot with the sweet and talented Pauline Darleywhom I met some time ago for the Reine Rosalie shoot. If you don't already know her work, you absolutely must visit her extremely inspiring website!

Sometimes I want to turn the site into an online magazine, with fewer looks but with beautiful collaborations like these, with several silhouettes, like a kind of mini-series in short... And then I want to collaborate with different people. Pauline, we'd been wanting to do something together for a long time, and a few months ago we talked about this story I'd been thinking about: "In the navy"... And due to bad weather, the shoot was postponed an unmentionable number of times... Anyway, between 2 sunny spells, last Wednesday we did it! We did it... 

I can't wait to read your reactions to this little story of a crazy sailor... and I can't wait to introduce you to the work of another love photographer... as well as other talented chicks, to be continued... 


I'm wearing an American Apparel sailor suit, and a striped shirt (that I made myself in another life...), a little vintage sailor hat, tommy hilfiger denim shorts, my gambette box tights, and louboutins (thanks Justine B.).



I'm wearing an Asos sailor mini dress, my bershka blue leather jacket, the sailor hat, my gambette box tights, and louboutins ( mourance.)



I'd had waders for ages that I didn't know what to do with because I'd never worn them, or hardly ever, but I couldn't bring myself to give them away, so after a bit of thought, I took the plunge and customized them with fabric paint, drawing little gold navy anchors on them... DIY spirit when you're on a roll... 


I'm wearing an APC dress from an old collection, a denim jacket with G-star fleece, André thigh-high boots and the famous little vintage sailor hat (from any American surplus...). 



May 24, 2013