Hello everyone!

Today I'd like to talk about getting out of your comfort zone!

I'm preparing some articles for next week that should please you for a special business week! And while I was preparing the "look" article, I got to thinking I'll tell you about it now, because it won't be the subject of next week's article!

But the idea is to show you how to dress for an interview, a meeting, etc... Nothing too crazy, but you'll see that style changes according to the area of expertise in which you work. After that, of course, everyone does what they want, but you still need to have enough self-confidence to dare right away. You may think I'm shy, but the truth is that since I've met you at the lemonade shop and listened to you, I've come to realize something... I'd been trying to hide: what to wear to work.

No, I don't go to the office naked, but since I've been self-employed, I've never had that problem.

To tell you the truth, I have one vivid memory from my younger days, when I worked at a bank for a summer. I'll let you digest the information. Well, it was hard to fit into the mold, with all my colleagues staring at me dumbfounded every morning. I remember one day, I was wearing my black Be you (k) sarouel (you remember this brand?), tails and soft white boots. It may not sound like much, but I assure you it was very cool. Well, at the bank, they asked me to go home and change at lunchtime. Humiliation. Back then, as now, I didn't like conflict, and in this case I'd been completely crushed. I didn't make any waves and went home to my parents to find some "normal" clothes. I came back in jeans and Converse. Missed. I was barely 18 at the time and they'd completely forgotten to teach me the "basics" of dressing.  Jeans are almost sinful, they're "friday wear", in other words: you're "relaxed" if you're allowed to wear them on Fridays, the day close to the weekend, when you can regain your free will... In short.

I worked there for 1 month. But I remember worrying every morning about what I was going to wear, a bit like before a date, but without a happy ending. And I remember opening my mother's closets in search of a bit of gray, or black... What an ordeal. Well, I tell myself that in the long run, if I'd stayed at the bank, through a combination of terrible circumstances, maybe I'd have died out a bit, trying as best I could to find stratagems to get around the rules. Or maybe I wouldn't have, because back then I didn't have the confidence of some of the days I've felt comfortable in my clothes. By dint of experimentation, I think that "dressing up" freed me, and allowed me to find myself. 

In short, I'm not saying that wearing crazy colors and giant patterns should be a form of resistance. But that wearing clothes that look like you can be a form of expression and freedom. So I was surprised when you asked if you could wear this or that piece to work. Surprised, because I hadn't asked myself that question for a long time, but in the end I understand you so much. And I think it's a shame to have to ask this simple question: "Can I wear this to work?" when it shouldn't be the case. I'd like to ask you in return: how do you resist and/or get around the rules?

Today I'm wearing a yellow coat Tara Jarmona knitted skirt Marie Sixtinea bodysuit Petit Bateauboots Made by Sarenza and a vintage bag! A big kiss!

Thanks to Olitax for the photos!

October 28, 2016