Happy Friday, guys!

The story behind this shoot is pretty funny. It all started one afternoon at Lemonade Studio. I'd gone off to Paris to find clothes in various press offices in preparation for a big shoot. But it was August, and with the vast majority of Parisians away on vacation, open press offices were few and far between. I'll tell you next time about the joy of working in August, and at the same time the nightmare it can be... Anyway, I had this big shoot at the end of August, for a soon-to-be-released series, and I needed winter clothes. I managed to find brands that were still working and agreed to lend me some pieces. Usually when the clothes arrive at Lemonade Studio, and everything is there, I do the fittings... I take the opportunity to pick out clothes that we can use to create looks for the blog! It's always a bit of an apocalypse when I'm building silhouettes, but it's a moment I love.

So this time, I remember, it was snack time. The Lemonade Team was sitting on the couch looking at me in my panties, amazed to see me trying to "fax" myself into some colorful clothes cut for models who haven't tasted since 2002 (another subject...). And now I'm trying on this absolutely crazy skirt, I hadn't realized how beautiful it was, the pleating, the material, the color. A skirt made from the skin of a mermaid who's made love to the sun or something. Sublime. I'm in sneakers, skirt and bra, it's 4pm in the office in the middle of August.

And that's great, but what do you wear with this crazy piece... That's the question! I'm trying things on, it's not me, and as usual, I'm trying to play down the seriousness of the skirt, to counter the message this skirt is sending... What is this skirt saying? It's saying "yes, I'm sublime, I'm even out of the ordinary because I'm so beautiful, thank you for treating me with respect, or for being crazy enough to wear me with something diametrically opposed". The skirt that puts the pressure on. Speaking of messages, I'm thinking I need a t-shirt with a message, a metal band t-shirt, or a Coca Cola advertising t-shirt...

And then, Bim! Opposite me, Simoné alias Olitax, our prince of images, is eating a slice of Saint-Môret with his NASA tee-shirt for a snack. Simoné, my favorite Italian, took off his shirt, warmed up in the office, and voilà, a denim jacket and a pair of pink gazelles and we were ready to go. Looking back, it was August in the office...

In the meantime, Simoné put a T-shirt back on and we headed off to take photos at the Tuileries funfair. We had very high ambitions for this look, the Ferris wheel, the swings that go round and round... And in fact I think we discovered that we were afraid of heights that day! In between giggles and embarrassed looks, we finally photographed this Happy Friday on dry land, where we're much more comfortable!

Kisses! For this Happy Friday, I wore a Tara Jarmon skirta vintage NASA t-shirt, but I'm sure you can find some on Amazon, pink gazelles, and a denim jacket I found on Asos. See you soon! Photos by the talented and tasteful Olitax. No sublime skirt has been abused in the making of these images, and the dust of the Tuileries is brushed away...

September 09, 2016