Hello my little cats!

Today I'm sending you a little sunshine, to cheer you up for what looks like a gray weekend... For my part, even though we're under a thick layer of low clouds, I'm keeping in mind that it's spring, that the days will get significantly longer and skirts will get shorter too! So it's decided: color will be in the spotlight, even more than usual, to cheat on this rotten weather... More colorful than usual? If you stand too close to these images, you'll lose a tenth of an inch per eye! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind, generous and inspiring feedback on my previous article, which really makes me want to continue. I'd have so much more to tell you about women's entrepreneurship too, but that's something that needs fine-tuning!

If you're not Beyoncé in concert, it's practically forbidden to wear flesh-colored fishnet stockings with 12cm heels, a mini-skirt or a bodysuit in the street. You have to break the codes with a pair of flat shoes, and in this case, a pair of Converse are perfect for that playful, gently regressive touch. What's more, I've discovered something really cool: these heel lifts to slip inside these high-top sneakers, like 4 cm, and that already helps to avoid being too flat (which is never good for the back and water retention either), to draw a slim little ankle and to raise myself to 1m67, which is already something. I quickly dismissed the idea of a short politician when I slipped the small objects into my high converse and my legs looked as if they were wearing a small pair of heels. The magic of optical illusion. The best way to fall back in love with those teenage shoes, I tell you.

To celebrate spring, I've decided to bring out my favorites that I made myself with the first Wear Lemonade patterns, the Mona perfecto perfecto and the Bianca blouse. Today, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that the patterns are going to undergo a big change. I'd like to warn you that, for the 1 year anniversary of Wear Lemonade, in addition to the return of the "mon petit chat" (dance of joy) sweatshirt and the sale of our Wear Lemonade fabrics... (I know it's crazy), our sewing patterns will have a new, hyper-readable layout that's even easier to access, with a glossary, a shopping list, new, better packaging and, last but not least, they'll be bilingual! The price of individual patterns will therefore be a little higher, as all these improvements come at a cost, as you'd expect. But since we're kindly lemons, and we can well imagine that this will annoy you, we thought that in addition to selling them on their own, we could offer you a subscription at a very reasonable price, a sort of club where you'd receive your patterns every month, plus a little fashion, beauty and above all DIY gift, just like in the heyday of paper magazines... It's all in the works, but I wanted to start talking to you about it - you know us, we've got loads of ideas. What's more, at the same time we'll be launching something that's sure to drive you crazy... It's so hard to keep a secret! Stay tuned for the next collection!
So today I'm wearing a Bianca Wear Lemoande blouse made from an unknown fabric, a Mona Wear Lemonade perfecto, mounted in a striped canvas found at Étoffes du sentier. A Zara skirt from 3 years ago, a pair of flesh-colored tights, and a pair of iridescent Conversein an iridescent, mermaid-skin-like fabric, I suggest you take a closer look...
Photos by le génial Olitax !

March 25, 2016