Alala, happy friday ( already, again! ) ...

I took advantage of yesterday's sunshine to drop my tights, what I wouldn't do for fashion, and for my friends... Yes yes my friends... Today I'd like to talk to you about fashion, friends and good deeds, if that's possible. A few years ago, my friend Florent set up "ColtesseA few years ago, my friend Florent set up "Coltesse", a brand of graphic tee shirts, and as Florent has a school bus of brilliant friends who make absolutely sublime things, he collaborates with a whole bunch of creative people. And together they make tee shirts, but recently he decided to expand his business, launching impeccable shirts, leather notebooks, card holders and lots of accessories... Oh yes, ladies, I forgot, it's basically a men's brand, but there's nothing to stop you finding what you're looking for to spoil your lover, and then stealing his gift. Like today, for example... You're beginning to know my love of tropical prints and looks, so here's the tee shirt I'm presenting to you "poto- poto" tee shirt ( go to his website to find out more ) it's a tee shirt, printed by sublimation ( if that's not beautiful ) it's a photo by the talented Romain Bernadie James. And together, they've decided that all funds raised will be donated to the Red Cross, for the Congo emergency operation. I've given you my little spitch, and I hope you'll take a look at Florent's photo. As for me, I've concocted a little "organization" weekend for myself, so that my good September resolutions can be put into effect and I can prepare lots of other surprises for you. In the meantime, I'd like to give you a big kiss and thank you for your help with the next theme week (coming soon...). 



Today I'm wearing a tee shirt Coltessewith my vintage military jacket that you'll find at any self-respecting flea market, my love necklace Mangoa two-tone skirt COSno tights! and my shoes Zara in solid gold!

September 21, 2012