Happy friday!

Today I'm going to tell you the story of this pair of shoes... Because obviously if you follow me a bit you know that my closet is full of H&m, Asos and Zara and that a pair of louboutins would be a bit out of context or rather out of budget... But in life I'm varnished, I can say that. A few months ago, for the birthday of a friend, Justine B.'s boyfriend, I chatted with a friend of theirs, a salesman at Christian Louboutin, and we talked about the customers who line up in the morning in front of his boutique and his collection of crazy pumps for men... And then, a few weeks later, a kind of small miracle happened. He wrote to us (Justine and I) to ask for our e-mail addresses to receive our invitations to the private sale, aka the grail of the shoe addict. The e-mail arrived and I stopped breathing for 2 days. But you have to prepare for a louboutin sale, because you have to fight afterwards, and we're just giving you the keys to the ring with this invitation. So on D-day, we got up at 6.30am, arriving there at 7am, too proud to have gotten up so early on a Saturday morning. And there are already 50 people queuing up. We're not discouraged though, we hear rumors that pairs are 80e, 100e, max 150e in my mass market victim head I count in Zara you know, "ok I'll pay louboutins at the price of Zara pumps". Tranquil breath. if I'd known.


Invite check, passport check, list check etc... we'll be part of the first batch yes! I'll skip the "at the heart of the sale" episode - it's like in the delivery room, we don't tell you what's going on inside, so as to keep the surprise intact for those who follow. But to cut a long story short, it's WAR ZONE. That same evening, I wear my booty - I've been reasonable, just one pair, but what a pair! After 2 hours on my feet, one of the heels broke. A myth collapses. A few days later, I went to the local cobbler, but he couldn't do a thing... But I've got more than one trick up my sleeve! I have a friend, Jules, who's a little too strong with his 10 fingers, he makes wooden furniture, he was there when the "drama" happened and said to me "I'd love to fix your Louboutins" I'm lucky, I've got buddies made of solid gold... and he did it, by punching holes in them, gluing them and putting a rod through each wedge to consolidate them, a rod, what am I saying, a broomstick, and TA- DA here I am with my outdated zara sailor, my h&m confetti pants my my suelly bag (breaking new my suelly and monoprix on October 17!) and my new agnes B. lipstick in a crazy color: fuschia floride. See you Sunday for a new opus of good people!

June 15, 2012