Third installment of "les gens bien": my friend Alexandra B. For those of you who've just arrived, "les gens bien" is a section where I introduce you to some great people: they don't necessarily have a blog, they're not necessarily textbooks, but they're funny, kind, intelligent and beautiful (sometimes at the same time) and just plain awesome... My everyday heroes... This time it's Alexandra's turn, I've known her for almost two years now, at first I was so intimidated by her cool glasses and her LONG mermaid hair, and her medium of choice made me completely dream (I already loved her, but I was a bit scared...) then one day we started telling jokes and she must have thought I wasn't as crazy as I seemed and we went to parties with lots of people and then fewer and fewer people, drinking little beers on the banks of the canal in the summer and watching musty chick flicks in the winter (by the way, if you have any classics we'd love to hear them, as Lison and I (future good people in perspective) are a bit affected by Alexandra's choices...).) I know she'll be furious when she reads this, but that's fair enough... The fact remains that, in real life, Alexandra is an over-the-top graphic designer and, above all, a genius when it comes to modeling clay (you love her already, too?).). I'll let you discover her work on her behance And to top it all off, Alexandra collects decks of cards, scans them, cleans them, and posts them on her website... I'm a fan.


Hello Alexandra, tell us a little about yourself, what's the first thing you do in the morning when the weather is November like it is right now?
I'm looking for food! I'm really, really hungry in the morning.

"Question happy me: When you're feeling uninspired, what do you do to motivate the troops?
I go and see my friends, we talk, have a laugh and that gives me new ideas.

"HR question: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
I'm rational, and often too rational.

"She question: what do you have in your backpack?
Everything I need to work, my MacBook Pro, a diary and a few blocks of modeling clay.


"Question vitale": are you more of a blue card or a blue suit?
Unfortunately, I think I'm a blue card. There was a time when I could buy anything and everything on the internet as long as it was a "bargain"!

"If you had to choose just one person to take to a bunker in December 2012, who would it be and why?
My darling! This is fun!

"Nostalgia question" What job would you have hated doing as a child?
I have no memory, I don't even know what I would have liked to do!


"Question blog de mode" What's your favorite piece, the thing that makes you feel hot straight away? and why?
My little pair of denim shorts! Do I really need to say why? 

"Backpacker question" What's the worst trip you've ever been on?
A timed package tour, no thanks.

"Question your boyfriend would like to ask you" What would you like to be offered?
A trip and time.

"Bonus question" Where is Bryan?
He's always been with Brenda, for real.


Beauty tip?
Squeeze lemon juice every morning

Shopping tip?
I know a girl called Lisa, who makes you bespoke jewels! ( I didn't bribe her to say that, I promise...)

Bon plan Manger?
"Sur un petit vélo" in Parmentier, very good food for not too much money

12Mail gallery near Sentier

And for your news, what's coming up soon?
I've done an illustration for the next Wad "the cocktail issue".
And in July, I'm taking part in the "Tweet-a-brief" exhibition in London at "The Church London" gallery!

June 17, 2012