The good people section continues today, with a guy on the blog, and not just any guy... I think that even though I've never told him, he's kind of my best buddy... He makes me howl with laughter, to the point of peeing on myself, but he's also the person with the best advice and the words to boost me... You've no idea, as I adore him, I could do a skyblog to declare my love for him, and I'm sure he'd appreciate it... I met him a few years ago, when I was working at Yves Saint Laurent. Matthieu D. is still working there, and he's progressed, not in design but in marketing, which doesn't prevent him from having an ultra-specialized sense of fashion and decoration... I'll let you enjoy the photos of his apartment, which he renovated with his talented lover Alexandre R. an interior design brute among other things... Thank you both.

Without further ado, here's a useful interview with Matthieu D., to be read at 36 degrees of course... Hello Matthieu, tell me about yourself, what's the first thing you do in the morning (if you say you drink a squeezed lemon, I don't believe you)?

I admire the rising sun through my window, then run naked to make myself a homemade smoothie, mango, papaya, jasmine... no, I'm going to pee, like everyone else.

"Existential question: if you could be reincarnated as a spice girl, who would you be?

Posh, definitely... obnoxious/playback/little black dress/Beckham from across the bed = perfect for me

"HR question": your strong points, your weak points?

So here's a bullshit answer, like a flaw that actually turns out to be a quality... I'd say I'm never satisfied (that's it, isn't it? I'm hired?).

"Question du Elle": what do you have in your baise en ville ("baise en ville" talking about that word or not)?

We can talk about it... So, a box of doliprane 1000, my Bottega cardholder, a pair of sunglasses, a little piece of "touch wood" lucky charm offered by my mom, some restaurant tickets, my glittery polly pocket by CDG, some old plane tickets and an aesop ginger energizer stick.

"Question vitale": are you a blue card or a blue suit?

Bleu de travail is nice with a nice navy blazer. I prefer Gold

"If you had to choose just one person to take to a bunker in December 2012, who would it be and why?

Chevalier et Laspalès, the ones who would make me forget my stance on cannibalism...

"What job would you have hated doing as a child?

Truck driver

 "Fashion blog question" the fashion flashback: you said: I'd never wear that, and yet you did... what was it?

The pink flamingo and palm tree print blouse... and, shame on me, I'm still wearing it!

"Question routard", the worst trip you could ever have?

A smartbox

" Question 2.0″ Which Iphone app would you be?

Lucky blackberry owner, so no apps because they never work....

"Bonus question" Where is Bryan?

Well, actually Bryan is not really like, you know... i mean he's like... wow, and when i heared that, I was like.... OH MY GOD !!!


Good beauty plan?

L'échappée in the 11th arrondissement, for its pilates classes and great little spa. 

Shopping tip?

French Trotters in rue Vieille du temple, Paris 3rd arrondissement, not very original but with a particularly nice selection...

Good Eating Plan?

My great passion... but if I had to choose just one, I'd say Kunitoraya 2, a half-Japanese, half-French restaurant, a very chic and disconcerting little escape.

Culture tip?

The Dia Beacon, 1 hour from New York, a former cookie factory transformed into an exhibition space for a collection of contemporary art that is simply mind-blowing.

May 20, 2012