

My sweet birds...

I've been battling such an atomic cold that since Sunday, my nose has become the incubator of a 2.0 plague, and my voice has become a featuring between that ofAlf and Jeanne Moreau. Sexy as hell. But I'm on a roll, my brain's on fire as usual, you might say, but I really think that in my case it's my neurons and my excitement that keep me going. To soothe my sore throat, I can only find comfort in boiling tea with honey, or rather boiling honey with tea... And in iced tea, like a sort of Proustian revival of my tender tonsil operation. I think I've deployed my full lexical field of glamour today. 




So here's a recipe to soothe the fires in your throats, tested and gobbled up by a panel of friends and family, each more enthusiastic than the last (Christmas dessert among others... Thank you Philippe, thank you Maman for your tricks).




To make this famous Iced Nougat you'll need: (1 cake tin and 6 muffin tins or 2 cake tins, depending on what's available in your cupboards).

  • - 3 eggs,
  • - 40 cl whipping cream,
  • - 120 g sugar
  • - 100 g honey (I use Agave syrup instead)
  • - 100 g hazelnuts and walnuts ( 50 / 50 what...),
  • - 100 g almonds,
  • - 100 g pistachios.




Start by toasting the dried fruit in a dry frying pan (it's all very dry), sprinkle with a little sugar and leave to caramelize over a very low heat. Meanwhile, separate the egg whites from the yolks and set aside. Heat the honey in a small saucepan. While the honey is heating, whip the egg whites with a mixer or food processor, then pour the boiling honey over the egg whites in thin streams. Add the remaining sugar to the egg yolks and froth the mixture. Gently fold the yolks into the egg whites.




 Whip the whipping cream until stiff and add to the previous mixture. Finally, fold in the crushed dried fruit. Place in a silicone cake tin, or line with Cellophane®. Let your iced nougat set in the freezer for at least 12 hours before serving! 

 This recipe is super-easy, so easy that it's sure to become your favorite frozen dessert... You don't need an ice-cream maker, and that's great for those of you who aren't lucky enough to have one in your 2-square-meter kitchen.

color background Farrow and Ball Middletown Pink and Marble wallpaper Ferm Living.

February 11, 2014