Happy Monday, kittens! 

I'm having so much fun right now, I'm juggling and it's so good! It's my GATSBY THE MAGNIC week, a sort of christmas/new year's inspiration for your eyes! My Gatsby week, my Gatsby fortnight! For some time now, I've been living to the rhythms of the Roaring Twenties, rereading Fitzgerald, fanstamming Redford and hallucinating Leonardo Dicaprio.... We've been talking about this Baz Luhrmann film! I think it's really TOO MUCH! I remember seeing it in 3D, and leaving the theater exhausted (a bit like for Gravity but not for the same reasons...) There's a lot going on and my brain didn't have time to take it all in... And then I saw it again on my little computer, taking screenshots, pausing, digesting the information and then I thought, WAOUH the crazy job.... The reinterpretation of the book is very different from the Jack Clayton version (with Mia Farrow and Robert Redford), especially for the party scenes. You can really feel that the Martha Stewart era has come and gone, everything is furiously coordinated, sublime without the slightest fault of taste.

While researching for this morning's post, I discovered the existence of another film by Herbert Brenon (1926) and Elliott Nugent's The Price of Silence (1949)... I still have a lot to learn... But if you've only seen the last film with our darling puffed-up Leo Dicaprio, I urge you to close your computer and open this fabulous novel by Francis Scott Fiztgerald.




To find all these images in "large format", go to my pinterest in the "J GATSBY" board, and if you'd like some fresh inspiration, I'm "pinning" everything at the moment, 20 minutes a day, as my little finger advised me.... Love on you.

December 09, 2013