Hola people,

As you may have noticed, the "3 little cats" DIY has either disappeared or I've decided to remove it from the blog. For the simple reason that the designer from whom I drew so much inspiration asked me to, I hope you'll understand. Far be it from me to copy or plagiarize such and such artists, I think that "do it yourself" can be legitimate when it's a question of "reproducing" products that are unaffordable for the most part, and not of sinking the buiness of a small designer. My mistake was to find an image of the said creation on Pinterest without source (the limits of this beautiful tool) and not having found the source by searching on google, I thus allowed myself to make a DIY because I found the idea more than charming, I nevertheless developed a different pattern before I propose it to you. I hope you'll understand that I didn't want to get into a controversy or come across as a copycat. I'd like to keep this place fun and fresh, with no worries... don't worry, I've still got a thousand ideas of my own running through my head, see you soon guys!

lisa mea culpa.

and as a bonus, here's my Thursday flower wish list: I want to soak up the sun, roll around in the grass and make daisy crowns... BUT WHERE IS SPRING?

1. flower necklace asos33.33€, 2. digital flower rug UO 46€, 3. sunglasses sunglasses Love Moschino4. daisy T-shirt UO 37€, 5. flower print sweater asos 39.99 €, 6. floral Compensées New look 34,99€.

May 03, 2012