Whoa, people!

A recipe, it's been a long time! I'm continuing my collaboration with Club med Gym, with another "bikini- friendly" recipe, this time for red bell pepper. What I like about this collaboration is that I'm learning something new every day, and I like to create new constraints for myself... well, constraints are relative, let's just say that I have a list of 10 fruits and vegetables that I have to work with... So I could have made you a stuffed bell pepper... but NO! I prefer to experiment with a Maki of peppers with 0% cheese and a little spinach, walnut and basil pesto (not such a light pesto, but that's for the gourmets...) For my part, I really need to find the time (finding the time is such a strange idea when you think about it...) to go to the gym more often to let off steam, just to take care of myself (I love the idea... my muscles a lot less) and my muscles a lot less). my muscles a lot less) and to be able to sleep like a baby afterwards... I can always dream, but in the meantime, I propose to "limit the damage" with a super yummi recipe that's perfect for impressing your friends, without having to rush out and buy the first packet of potato chips that comes along... but I admit that opening a packet of peanuts takes a lot less time than peeling peppers... You don't get something for nothing... 


 For this little maki with red bell pepper and fresh squares, you'll need..:
  • 4 small peppers,
  • 7 fresh squares 0% (or not),
  • a bunch of chives,
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice,
  • salt and pepper,
  • A sushi mat.

To begin, preheat the oven to 240°C, cut the peppers in half and remove the white parts and seeds. Place the peppers in the oven, flesh side down, for 25 minutes. When the time is up, remove the peppers from the oven and place them in the plastic bag and seal for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the fresh squares, lemon juice, finely chopped chives, salt and pepper, and mix well. Remove the peppers from the plastic bag and peel them. The advantage of placing them hot in a plastic bag is that it makes peeling them much easier... in case you were wondering... You're now left with naked peppers, which you'll need to cut lengthwise into strips. Grab your sushi mat, cut out a sheet of stretch paper and place it on the mat. Spread the bell pepper strips over the entire surface of the mat, with as few holes as possible. On one side, spread a 3cm-wide strip of the fromage frais mixture over the entire height of the mat. Then, as if you were rolling a maki, roll the peppers and cheese tightly together. Keep your "boudin" in the fridge for an hour, wrapped in cling film, before cutting into small makis. You'll find plenty of maki rolling videos to help you along. here



And for the pesto, you'll need..: 

  • 40g baby spinach,
  • 60g basil,
  • 20g Parmesan cheese,
  • 70ml olive oil,
  • and a handful of walnuts.

Place all these ingredients in a blender, and blend very finely - don't hesitate to blend several times. Serve the pesto with your bell pepper makis and enjoy! 

October 29, 2012