Hello my little cats!

I hope you're all well! I'm back again today with a little four-handed post! With the talented Karuna Balloobut yes, you know, I'm talking about her! all the timeshe's the super textile horticulturist! For these special Pierrot weeks (which will soon be coming to an end, by the way) I asked Karuna to lend me some black and white pieces that I could have worn for my Pierrot 2.0 happy friday. She brought out the heavy artillery and when I opened the shopping bag, I literally fell head over heels, trying on everything and everything at the same time! And then with Karuna, my brain is always going a thousand miles an hour, so I told her I wanted to do a Do It Yourself head band, a bit cosmico-romantico-black-and-white, that we could do together for these Pierrot weeks. So here's a completely tragic veil for a sad Pierrot, but imagine it in lots of different colors, with or without a veil, swans on combs, little pompoms to embroider on the veil. Be inspired, transpose and dare!

Love you and see you tomorrow for more goodies!

Lisa Santa!

Difficulty: You'll need precision, folks, and concentration!

Time: one hour.

Cost: approx. €10.

For this DIY you'll need:

  • very hard organza, found herebut you can try starching a lighter one.
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • feathers,
  • headband,
  • synthetic jersey tubing,
  • small black pompoms,
  • 30cm black veil,
  • black and white thread,
  • needle,
  • lighter.

To get started, you can follow the steps for swan origami. I'll spare you the written explanations, which would be a bit laborious! But don't worry, and practice several times on sheets of paper before starting with the organza. To make this swan, I recommend this videowhich we used as a basis. Watch it with no moderation, along with the photos above. When making this swan in fabric, use an iron if necessary.

Once your two swans are ready (bravo!) bend the outer part of the wings for a more realistic look.

Now take your feathers, cut the stems and apply glue to the base.

 Glue the feathers between the two layers of the wing, hiding the base of the feather in the fold.

Continue in this way on both wings and both swans, using small stitches to secure the whole.

And there you have your feathered swan! Now take your jersey tube and burn the end (you absolutely must use synthetic otherwise you won't be able to burn it for finishing).

Thread the jersey around the frame of your headband and burn the other end for a clean finish.

Now take your veil and thread it around the headband (every other stitch).

Take the black thread and stitch at each end to secure the veil to the frame.

Now place the swans on top of the head, securing them with a few discreet stitches around the headband.

Stitch the front of the swan to keep it folded. Now place the second swan and make a common stitch on the front of both to secure them together.

Last step: take your small pom-poms and sew them onto the veil at the seams. Place about 15 of them all over the veil, and avoid putting any at eye level, as this will cause squinting!

and TA-DA!

Photo credits: Julie Perrot

December 10, 2014