
 Hello my little cats! 

Today I'm back with an article that's really made me feel good... With the launch of Wear Lemonade and all the DIY workshops we're organizing at the moment, I haven't really had time to sit down and experiment... It's not that I missed it, but I hadn't really had time to think about it. It's a bit like meeting up with an old friend you haven't seen for a long time... And suddenly realizing you've missed him terribly. Well, with this & Other Stories collaboration, that's what happened. I made an appointment with myself. A Saturday alone in the office. I unpacked a big box full of beauty products from this brand I adore, set myself up, made a mess of the office, and fiddled around. Pigments, nail polish, smoke, ink, water. I played the little chemist, standing on the desks, paint on my forearms, hair all over the place... Happiness. I made a creative appointment with myself. So good.


 So the day I received an e-mail from this brand, which is clearly a money pit for me, I jumped for joy! Leaping is the right word, little dance of joy, Larusso always with me at that moment.... And then I said to myself, okay old girl, we've got to come up with a pretty idea... 


 It was simple, I wanted to work on the images to highlight the beauty products. Because for me, & Other Stories is above all about an acute mastery of color and crazy ranges. When I'm in the store's beauty department, I feel like I'm in a candy store. And the ambience of the boutiques makes me think of a laboratory that produces happiness for the mind... Because in the end, I think that's what real shopping is all about, because personally when I go into a boutique - and believe me, this is becoming rare because of e-shopping - I expect a lot from the customer experience.


 So I filled small translucent capsules with colored pigments and glitter, like fun capsules, played with droppers and pipettes, and then smoke, for the "savant fun" side... In short, you'll have understood that I had a blast taking these photos, and I'd like to thank & Other Stories for their trust.

And since I also want you to feel good about color, I'm offering you the chance to win a box of 10 products with crazy colors! All you have to do is go to Instagram (if you don't have Instagram, grab your little sisters', nieces' or kids' phones to multiply your chances)! Post any photo from this article, or repost the photo from my post directly on Instagram and add the #makeyourstories.
I'll draw next Monday at noon! Kisses and see you tomorrow! 


To read this post in English, click here!

June 10, 2015