

Hello everyone, my little cats...

I've been making myself scarce lately, and I'm sorry, I'd like to come here more often, but I've found myself more or less faced with a multitude of questions. I'm asking myself a lot of questions at the moment: about what I want to show, what I want to experience, how I want to experience it and how to share it. Indeed, the realization came after the Chanel show. I wrote to you that I didn't even see Karl Lagerfeld come to say hello, so glued was I to my camera and screen. Well, I thought that was serious. I don't want to experience things through a screen. I'm so afraid of missing a moment that I shoot everything, I take 200 photos, 14 Instagrams and 7 tweets, and in the end I feel I've done too much, I'm stressed out juggling so many media. You'll tell me that there are worse things in life, and that in the end, if I'm invited to experience extraordinary things, it's only natural that I take photos to share them with you. Because that's what it's all about. I'd like to enjoy it more, to live the experience to 200% while capturing the moment, without the stress of missing something, missing an encounter or just being present. Fully present and not somewhere else in my brain biting my nails: my brains caught in a game of tug-of-war. 

And then this confused and lost state of mind linked to my work on this site gradually came to encroach on my personal life. Why take pictures of everything? Do you really care what I ate last night? What filter should I use on this photo of my cat? And then after these kinds of questions, I started to feel guilty for not having posted an article for 3 days, or for realizing that I'd never finished writing the caption to my Instagram photo from this morning... 

I was sorry to find that I was glued to my laptop and if I wasn't behind my computer, I was checking Instagram at 4 a.m. because I wasn't sleeping anymore and it would have been a shame to miss the breakfast photo of an Australian journalist or the latest outfit of this American blogger I adore... Stop. I'd had enough. I felt like cutting out instagram for a while, a little detox despite the fact that I adore this medium, to get away from my computer too, to find myself with my family, my loved ones. Just to enjoy. Forget my laptop. 

But despite everything I love sharing a good recipe on Instagram, a photo of my love cat and posting on the site, I felt like disconnecting. To be just a bit of a girl without a website. And then I think my mission in life today is to find the happy medium, and accept that I'm not a Wonderwoman. I'm going to take a deep breath and find my happy medium. 

Big hugs to you. And thanks again for your tons of inspiring comments.


October 24, 2014