

My little wolves! 

I wish you a wonderful start to the week! I'm already running out of time, and yet the week has only just begun... I've got some surprises in store for you! Madness, love and happiness all week long, but in the meantime, here's my little "beauty" video from Cannes, 36 incredible hours. It was hard to fit it all into 2 minutes, but finally, after 2 hours of viewing rushes, I'm there! I hope you enjoy this little film...



And to tell you the truth, climbing the stairs is, as you can imagine, a bit crazy! I remember last year I was doing a wish list of my "dream" outfit for Cannes and a reader commented that next year it would be my turn, and when I think back I had to reply "But of course!" It's madness, this whirlwind of happiness, I feel so varnished... I touch wood again and again...

By the way, I have to tell you that at the bottom of the stairs, this staircase is much smaller than you'd imagine, I'm trying to put you into perspective... But also at the bottom of these stairs, I literally forgot how to climb stairs, as a furious urge to run to my hotel room and put on my derbies took hold of me, so convinced was I that I was going to waffle on the red carpet... I was red-faced, stressed and focused, and everything went really well. Once I'd reached the height of glamour, I turned around, J'instagram from the verb instagrammer and there a young lady approached, I felt she was going to tell me to put my phone away, and then she said: "I've got to tell you: I love your blog!" -Slap of happiness- I want to give her a hug, but Rémy, my lover, beckons me to come in, we don't want to miss the session. Once we're settled in, he says, "Can you believe it?" I reply, "touch wood... touch wood..." THANK YOU to Dior for receiving us like princes, and THANK YOU again to everyone for your love... Speaking of which, I'll be talking to you about LOVE tomorrow! 





Ps: We saw the Guillaume Canet movie Blood tiesand I hope that at the end of the video you'll recognize CLIVE OWEN Clllliiiiiiiiiiiiiive!

June 10, 2013