My little cats! 

It's taken me a while to write this article, but it's been so crazy since the beginning of June! I've got to tell you all about it, not right now, but I've got things to say! And I had about 2000 photos (or so) to sort through, make a pretty chromy on the images, a real job in short, and on top of that came work, crazy stuff... life, (although I'm well aware that I'm pretty damn privileged, but not at all used to experiencing such crazy stuff every week).

To explain, because I have a feeling that all this is a blur to you... I was invited by Dior beautéI was invited by Dior beauté, ten days ago, to spend two days and one night in Cannes at this amazing hotel called the Majestic... And to discover the Dior Suite... (I didn't sleep in the suite, of course... but I must admit that the bathroom in my room must have been as big as my living room and bedroom combined, so obviously I didn't want to leave....). The Dior Suite is a gigantic space entirely redecorated each year in the colors of the season, dedicated to the preparation of superstars and other members of the big family that is cinema... On the program a dior beauty team of shock with make-up artists and hairdressers from all horizons and all continents, and I can't even forget to tell you about the genius manicures... In short, a heavenly zone for all self-respecting beauty addicts...

 At first, I was a little intimidated, because for me, sending a blogger (a girl with a website) to Cannes with her camera slung over her shoulder, to go and "test" a preparation worthy of a star, without going to see a film, seemed a little fishy... But I wasn't going to deny myself the pleasure of being pampered by experts... And when we arrived, joy, love, sequins and stilettos, the dior beauty team had done the impossible: two tickets were waiting for us to see the Guillaume Canet film Blood Ties... (how's my life like a Disney movie?)

Here are a few snapshots of these Cannes moments... And mini-interviews with crazy hairstylist Cyril Auchère and my favorite make-up artist: Fred Marin... Another Fred... And in a few days, a short video will be released to give you a good idea of Cannes madness versus the zenitude of this magical suite...

I'll tell you all about my adventures and other anecdotes, including how a reader recognized me at the top of the stairs (all's well...) and how you can suddenly forget how to climb stairs, and all that...


Express interview with Cyril Auchère, the hairstylist who twists his hair to death... He's no beginner, this is his 10th festival, and his (mom's) advice for a Cannes beginner like me is to always have a pair of ballet flats in your bag... After all, beauty should also be a question of comfort!

- What are your 3 beauty essentials (that save you in all circumstances)?

For Cyril, it's essential to have a good straightening iron (or forget about the big waffle iron models...), a dry shampoo to save hair that's been too hot during the day... and then dry shampoo gives a matte texture that Cyril loves... And lastly, he thinks that a little crazy accessory to hang in the hair gives a twist to any rather banal hairstyle...

-What's one thing all women do that they should stop doing altogether?

Without a moment's hesitation, as if he'd been expecting this question, he replies, "Cut your own bangs, leave the scissors alone..." And he adds that leaving a mask on all night really isn't a good idea... Unless you want greasy hair or want to throw in a load of washing powder...


- A favorite product that won't leave your side?

Leonor Greyl makes a styling cream for dry hair called "natural shine" that textures hair, gives it a matte finish and tames any flyaways...

- Who is the Dior woman? 

He tells me that for him, the Dior woman is timeless, she knows how to pass through time, she has the chic and casualness of a Parisian but also the grace and perfection of the great American actresses.... And I ask him if he should choose just one, and he says: Marion Cotillard of course....



Once my hair was done, I passed into the expert hands of Fred Marin. He told me all about his career, and I could have listened for hours. A former Music Hall dancer, from the Moulin Rouge to the Folies Bergères, he danced for 20 years, during which time he discovered the joys of the palette, and preparation in front of the mirror. Truly inhabited by color, he extensively applied make-up to his fellow dancers before their performances. Before his body ran out of steam, he decided to give up his career as a dancer, and embarked on a determined career change.



- What are your 3 beauty essentials?

To begin with, the very foundation of beautiful make-up is good make-up removal (amen), "You remove your make-up every night, with serum or day cream, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT". Her second commandment is: use and abuse lip balm. And finally, brush your eyebrows, and if you don't have an eyebrow brush, use a toothbrush... (Ah, eyebrows, my new beauty obsession...).

-What's the one thing all women do that they should absolutely stop doing!


- A favorite product that won't leave your side?

His favorite product is an illuminator, Skin Flash primer, by Christian Dior of course, to be used as a concealer or mixed with your usual foundation, it illuminates a face in a slightly magical way. You'll look like you've been backlit.... you'll have the glow...

- Who is the Dior woman? 

When I asked him this question, I saw his eyes light up, and we talked about the body, the attitude and posture of the great actresses of the '40s... And then he told me about the French elegance of Fanny Ardant and the insane body of Jane Fonda... And I asked him to choose one: it was obviously too hard! He told me Grace Kelly and Mélanie Laurent!  



And off we went, up the steps, obviously crazy! I know it was a long article, but I had too much to show you too! THANK YOU 1000 times Isabel and Célia for their welcome! and to my lover for all these beautiful photos...


June 04, 2013