Hello company!

We could have started the week with more refreshing topics than accounting, but you know what? I don't want to lie to you, and numbers are your backbone (I can't believe I'm writing something like this)... So if that's not your thing, but you're highly motivated by entrepreneurship, there are three solutions open to you:

  • Bury your head in the sand, which isn't really a solution because it's pointless, as the figures and taxes will always find you...
  • Find a partner who's good at maths, but I'd still advise you to understand what they're up to all day long, because the day when, for whatever reason, your other half takes off, you need to know where you stand and make sure!
  • Make up your mind and get on with it. And then, the more you understand how the system works and see that your projections come true, the more you're going to love accounting!

It's important to find out quickly whether you're profitable or not, so you know whether it's worth continuing to work so hard on your project, and find solutions to make it so! So, roll up your sleeves, it's going to go well, and in any case, accountants aren't just there to cost you money, they're there to make you money, so get some help! Once you've worked out your forecast with your expert, he or she won't go rummaging through your twelve handbags for you to find your receipts and other unprinted invoices, so let's get the accounting playlist going and all will be well. See you tomorrow!

This magical calculator was made by our paper expert, Charlotte, Queen of the Pinatas!

November 01, 2016