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Hello my little butter hearts! 

 I'm stopping by to drop you a line this Sunday to tell you about a lovely collaboration I was lucky enough to do with Bourjois. The kind of creative partnership I love: designing a collection of ephemeral tattoos for this summer. As some of you may have guessed, I'm also currently in the process of finalizing a second book/booklet on ephemeral tattoos with Eyrolles publishing (which Bourjois is a partner in, by the way - I love a love story that lasts), so if all goes well, by the end of 2014 you'll be able to be tattooed from head to toe by my designs.  




In the meantime, to get your hands on this ephemeral tattoo kit, visit the online store of Bourjois online shop or in your local Monoprix or Sephora, the 50 tattoos are priced at €8.75, while stocks last (I've always wanted to say that...) I'm kissing you, and I'm feeling a little nostalgic as I post these photos, which were taken on the beach at Noosa... See you tomorrow for the start of another themed week! You can find the english version here !




June 01, 2014