Hello everyone,

My little woodland cats, I don't like to look back too much but still 2015 what a funny year... I think despite the events we tried as hard as we could with our lemonade... I'm so full of gratitude, love and when I glance over my shoulder.

When I look back at 2015, it's all about Wear Lemonade. I think about the fact that we imagined it would be a bit confidential, to test a bit, to see if there would be people out there... Well let me say a huge THANK YOU because I think I can say, on behalf of the studio, that this adventure is beyond our expectations, really. As well as having our heads in the sand over the last 12 months, I think we've learned so much, getting to know you and us better, knowing a little more about what you come to Wear Lemonade for and when you want it too...

This year it was time to :

And on a personal note, I've traveled to some magical places, met or rediscovered some extraordinary people with whom I work every day and, above all, got married...

I smile because when I think about it, I put it at the very end of my list, but in the end it's everywhere, it's at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. The other night I was with some friends and I was talking about the fact that I felt I'd grown up and that love wasn't the center of my life, that my life was a mixture of freedom, creation and love of course, but that it wasn't the only meaning of my life anymore. And a friend just opened my eyes and said I was talking nonsense. Since he's known me, he's only known me in love, that hadn't changed, what had changed was that I'd found THE person who loved me completely, without trying to make me change.

And that made me realize that if I'm doing all this today, if I feel free, it's thanks to him. All this to say that I'm terribly happy to have found the person who loves me enough to give me the space I need to fulfill myself. So here's my secret to doing so much, in addition to having a magical team, is Love. And that's all I wish for you in 2016... To find it, or if you already have it, to have even more of it!

December 30, 2015