
My little cats! 

I'm back today with another session of the best of what's on my phone... And this month, I present the app you won't be able to live without.... As you know, I'm just back from a trip, and thanks to you and the Canadian Tourism Bureau, I've been able to stock up on addresses... Unfortunately, I only have one brain and two hands, so it was a bit complicated to remember all the places you'd recommended... But at one point, at the start of the trip, I remembered that Pauline Darley had told me about this fabulous app... Mapstr... I say "map street". 

So what is it? It's a crazy application! It's a kind of Google map, where you can save all your favorite addresses, or the next ones you'd like to try out. You can enter all kinds of addresses - restaurants, stores, museums, doctors' surgeries, friends' addresses - and you can customize each entry with different tags and even enter access codes (very practical)...


When Pauline told me about this application a few months ago, I contacted Sébastien, its creator, to ask him if there was a function for sharing your good addresses with your friends and especially with you, my little cats... And at the time, no, but since then that's a thing of the past and I'm pleased to tell you that all your favorite Canadian addresses and those we've tested are listed in the application in my account. So if you download the app, add "Make My Lemonade" as a friend, and enter the code: 01230 all the Canadian addresses will appear on your map! I'm going to start pinning my favorite Paris spots and Do it Yourself addresses over the next few weeks! 


Things to know about the app: it's free! For the moment, it's only available on theApple Store but it's currently being developed for other cell phones. When you're traveling and you've cut your phone's 3G, you can still see your addresses in the app (and that's very cool), but you can't add new addresses... I hope I've piqued your curiosity with this little technological nugget, and I've got 2/3 other apps I'd like to tell you about, good connected girl that I am... And I'll be back tomorrow with a Do It Yourself, which I've really missed! 

To read this post in English, click here!

August 18, 2015