Happy Monday company!

I hope you all had a good, relaxing weekend to get you through this gray week... Cheers, kittens! Today I'm here to bring you some inspiration for next weekend! Yes, because I have to admit that at the moment, I'm a bit lacking in inspiration when it comes to weekend cooking. Having to find fun and healthy ideas multiplied by 6 isn't easy. You'll tell me that there are worse problems in life, but I'm not a fan of culinary monotony, so at weekends, I'm often afraid of a blank plate. I'm lucky enough to have a creative lover in the kitchen, but it's also a little personal pressure to "compete" with him... So, the other day, I realized that if I made him eat one more pancake, he'd ask for a divorce... And I think I personally ate too many too, I was craving something else! So I've come up with 3 super-simple mini recipes to get your taste buds twisting.

Eggs in avocado, for 2 people, you'll need..:

  • -1 avocado, not too ripe,
  • - lime juice
  • - 2 eggs,
  • - 100g bacon.

Start by preheating your oven to 220°C. Cut the avocado in half, remove the stone and enlarge the hole in the stone a little, so that your eggs have enough room. Add a little lemon juice to the avocado to prevent it from darkening. Then place the avocados on muffin tins so that they are stable. Crack an egg into each hole in your avocado halves. Bake for 11 minutes! Meanwhile, fry your lardons in a frying pan. Once the avocados are ready, sprinkle with a few lardons, salt and pepper to taste and enjoy!

You'll need a pea and coconut milk soup for 2 people:

  • - 250g fresh peas or 750g peas with pods,
  • - 1 half white onion, thinly sliced,
  • - 1 clove garlic,
  • - 12 fresh mint leaves,
  • - 250ml vegetable stock,
  • - 150 ml coconut milk
  • - salt, pepper and olive oil.

Start by finely chopping your onion and garlic clove. In a saucepan, sauté them in a little butter and olive oil; when your vegetables caramelize, add the vegetable stock, or if you don't have any, just water. When the water comes to the boil, add the peas and mint. Cook for about 5 minutes. Then drain, taking care to retain the cooking water. Place the vegetables in a blender, add the coconut milk and a little stock and blend! If the soup is too thick, add a little more stock. Serve in small bowls, with a dash of olive oil on top and salt and pepper to taste!

The almond milk porridge you need for 2 people:

  • - 65g rolled oats,
  • - 250ml almond milk,
  • - berries,
  • - and homemade compote.

Place the oats and almond milk in a small saucepan. Cover the pan and cook over a very low heat for 8 minutes. The porridge is ready when the milk is completely absorbed, at which point you can add the dried fruit, stir and cover to let it swell for a few more minutes... In a bowl, add the applesauce (2 tablespoons per bowl), cover with the porridge and sprinkle with the fruit of your choice. I know raspberries aren't in season, but they're such a little sin of mine that I couldn't resist walking past the greengrocer the other morning. I'm not much in front of these little red jewels... And enjoy!

January 11, 2016