

 Hey my little dolls! It's back to school time! 

After a hectic August with dozens of activities, I'm back and more motivated than ever, a little tired all the same, but I've arranged plenty of little weekends here and there until the end of the year... it's going to be great! I hope you all had a great summer, that you found the sun, and I've made a promise to myself that next summer I'll head off in search of the warmth of Corsica, Ibiza or Greece. I haven't made up my mind yet, but thanks to Instagram for inspiring me, I think the Mediterranean will be my hunting ground for the 2015 season.... And big news, well you'll have to see it to believe it, but you'll get lemon news every day around here! My August silence was for a good cause, in fact I've prepared some surprises, gifts, ideas that will excite you, because I'm getting to know you! Let's get back to our good habits and start the week with not one, but three healthy and sexy express breakfast recipes (yes, yes, it's possible). Even the fussiest of you will be happy, because they're gluten-free and cow's milk-free! By the way, if you've run out of ideas, check out my Instagram accountYou'll find recipes that I try to make as bikini- friendly as possible!






  • Idea number one.... 

The greediest one I can't get enough of, hyper-regressive because I was inspired by a snack my little mom used to make me...

You'll need..:

  • - 1 large banana,
  • -1 handful of homemade granola for which you can find my recipe here,
  • - 1 tablespoon agave syrup,
  • - 1 plain soy yogurt.




To begin, cut off two-thirds of your banana and mashed potato it in your soup plate to reduce it to a purée. Add your plain soya yoghurt on top, and place a handful of granola on top. Take the last third of your banana and slice it into thin slices to arrange around your plate. Drizzle with agave syrup and enjoy! 




  • Idea number two...

Gluten-free pancakes: after many inconclusive attempts, I've come up with a pancake recipe that's good for everyone. I advise you to make them on Sunday morning, and if you have any left over, to freeze them for the rest of the week. In the evening, take two out of the freezer, so that the next morning your pancakes will be ready to go in the toaster.

You'll need:

  • -190g of pastry mix found at Naturalia in Paris, available online,
  • - 2 tbsp yeast,
  • - 1 tablespoon brown sugar,
  • - 1 pinch salt (optional if using semi-salted butter),
  • - 250g fromage blanc,
  • - 2 eggs,
  • - 80g melted butter,
  • - and a few berries for decoration or to stir in during baking.




This recipe is so easy to make, all you have to do is mix all the dry ingredients in one bowl, and all the liquid ingredients in another. Gently mix the two ingredients together to form a frothy paste. Heat your frying pan with a little butter, and when it's hot, turn down the heat. The pancakes should cook slowly. To make sure they're nice and round, I use a silicone ring that I leave in place until the underside of the pancake is cooked through, and then I remove this guide, turn my pancake over and leave it on for less than a minute.




  • Idea number three... 

This is a recipe I read on the Lili's blog in an article so beautifulI'm not very faithful to the original, but here's my recipe on the same colorful theme. Hurry up and make this one before Morello cherries are as expensive as Chanel No. 5...

you need:

  • - a handful of black cherries,
  • - a dozen raspberries,
  • - a small sprig of white and one of red currants,
  • - half a nectarine, 
  • - a small handful of dried cranberries, 
  • - a dozen almonds,
  • - and a tablespoon of agave syrup.




It's very simple to start: place a bed of nectarine quarters on your plate, cut your Morello cherries in half and remove the stone, discard your raspberries and redcurrants, sprinkle your almonds and drizzle with agave syrup, and enjoy!

September 01, 2014